Before and during somewhere

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Before and during somewhere!

5’ 4”

Weight: not sure probably 155 before and during somewhere in the 140’s

GW: 128

I just needed to look at this because i needed to see how far i have come. I also didn’t weigh myself because I always felt discouraged by the scale and I don’t look like this now. Exam stress and all, but i am determined to look like that again.

As long as you are motivated anybody can transform their body, it is difficult to continue if you don’t see results right away, but my take on that is that you will feel so much better. Running used to never be my thing but now i can run 2 miles without stopping, which may not seem like much but i couldn’t even run 1 mile and i am hoping that by the end of the summer I will be able to run 3. The best project to work on is yourself, so why not?

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