Cable Hammer Curl | Guide & Tips

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Training Biceps Brachii – Short Head

Biceps cable curl on the lower block – is an isolated exercise aimed at working out the biceps of the shoulder (biceps). Exercise is well suited for effective “pumping” the biceps muscles at the end of the workout, when they are tired as a result of basic exercises. (Basic for biceps is the exercise of lifting the barbell biceps curl).

Cable Biceps curl
Biceps Brachi -short head

Thanks to cable block simulator, a good effect of prolonged tension is achieved throughout the exercise. Unlike free weights, a stably high muscle tension is achieved at the upper point of the amplitude of movement.

Cable Hammer Curl 

Technique of Execution Cable Hammer Curl 

  • Go to the block simulator, lower the roller down to the bottom and attach the rope handle, pick up, stand exactly in front of the simulator, hands are stretched out in front of you this is start position
  • Start slowly controlled lifting of weight at the expense of to biceps, not swing and do not help the body
  • When the bicep is completely shortened, stay at the top point 1-2 sec, and start slowly lowering, lifting takes less time than lowering the weight
  • Perform the required number of approaches about 4 and 12-15 reps, do not use large weights, the exercise is considered isolation
Cable Hammer - Biceps Exercises
Cable Hammer Curl

Implementation Tips

  • This exercise is purely isolated and is not performed in a power intensive style – it will be optimal to perform with a small working weight;
  • You must do a sufficiently large number of repetitions and at the same time controlled performance with the correct technique for each curl;
  • Keep an eye on the position of your elbows all the time – they should be fixed at all times;
  • Throughout the movement, keep the body straight tight, do not slouch, do not raise your shoulders.

Execution Options

This exercise can be performed using various block handles:

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