✅ Your hip flexors may be affecting your glute strength and activation, the hip flexors are important antagonist to the hip extensors (glutes hamstrings some adductors). This means during hip extension the hip flexors must eccentrically control the movement. Weak hip flexors will not allow for strong and controlled hip extension.
✅ This may also play a role in why some individuals have increased forward lean during squatting. If the hip flexor is not strong enough to control hip extension it can cause the individual to lean forward. This leaning will create a greater torque on the glutes requiring less eccentric control from the hip flexors. Weak hip flexors can also alter glute activation, (Matthew M et al 2015) found that restricted hip flexors lead to decreased glute activation. This shows us that altered hip flexor strength has a negative effect on the glutes.
👉🏻 In another study looking at hip flexor training (RUSSELL S. et al 2005) found that hip flexor strengthening lead to a faster 40-yard dash and shuffle. We can clearly see that the hip-flexor muscles are just like any other muscle and need to be strengthened. This can lead to improved performance and strength, specifically during running during the hip flexors need to bring the leg into flexion from mid stance to terminal stance, the faster this motion can be done the faster one can run.
The lack of eccentric control of hip extension can lead to decreased activation of the glutes which are our powerhouse muscle. Strengthening the hip-flexors can aid in adding control and help increase glute activation for someone with relatively weaker hip flexors. Try this exercise before you squat next time or run, 3 sets of 12 reps! I will actually be adding this exercises to my squat guide because it is so vital, if anyone needs help with their squat check out my website for more info.