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🔥 BICEPS BLAST | Short Head | Long Head | Brachialis – FULL BICEPS LIBRARY 👇

BICEPS BLAST | Short Head | Long Head | Brachialis
BICEPS BLAST | Short Head | Long Head | Brachialis

🚨 Neutral grip wide curls

✅ Flex bicep hard up top.
✅ 4 sets 10-12 reps.


  • Target muscle: Brachioradialis
  • Synergists: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Force: Pull
Neutral grip wide curls
Neutral grip wide curls

✅ Execution

  1. Keeping your elbow by your side, exhale as you curl one dumbbell up towards your shoulder until your biceps is fully contracted.
  2. Hold for a count of two and squeeze your biceps.
  3. Inhale as you slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with your opposite arm.
  5. Keep alternating your arms.

✅ Comments and tips


  • You can perform the dumbbell hammer curl with either both arms at once, one arm at a time, or by alternating your arms (as described above). The latter two methods will recruit more muscles in your core for stabilization.
  • The dumbbell hammer curl targets your brachioradialis, a forearm muscle; it does not target your biceps brachii, which acts as a synergist, along with your brachialis. That is not to say that your biceps and brachialis do not get a great workout!
  • The reverse curl is another exercise that most people think targets your biceps when in fact it targets your brachioradialis.

🚨 Bent over isolation curls

✅ Elbow is firmly planted against knee.
✅ 4 sets 10-12 reps.

  • Target muscle: Brachialis
  • Synergists: Biceps Brachii (especially the outer or long head), Brachioradialis
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Force: Pull
Bent over isolation curls
Bent over isolation curls

✅ Execution

  1. Exhale as you curl the dumbbell up towards your shoulder.
  2. At the top of the movement, hold the contracted position and squeeze your biceps for a count of two.
  3. Inhale as you lower the dumbbell to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  5. Repeat with your left arm.


✅ Comments and tips

  • Keep your back straight and upper arm still. Only your forearm should move.
  • Do not swing the dumbbell.
  • Make sure that your elbow doesn’t pivot on your thigh and doesn’t fully lock out when you extend your arm.
  • Most people think that you isolate your biceps with the concentration curl. In fact, the exercise targets your brachialis. Your biceps (especially the long head) acts as a synergist, along with your brachioradialis.
  • The three flexors of your elbow are your biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. If you curl with your elbow in front of your body, as in the concentration curl and the preacher curl, you target your brachialis, and your biceps and brachioradialis act as synergists. If you curl with your elbow by your side, as in the dumbbell curl, you target your biceps, and your brachialis and brachioradialis act as synergists. And if you curl with a neutral grip (palm facing to the side) or reverse grip (palm facing down), as in the hammer curl and reverse curl, you target your brachioradialis, and your biceps and brachialis act as synergists.
  • Your brachialis is the strongest flexor of your elbow. While most of it sits on the outside of your arm, part of it lies under your biceps. This means that if you build your brachialis, it will prop up your biceps and make it look bigger. It will of course also offer better assistance to your biceps.

🚨 Dumbbell hold

✅ Arms at 45 degree angle flex and hold 30 seconds.
✅ 4 sets.


Bending the arms with dumbbells while standing is an exercise in the isolating plan, in which the biceps performs both anatomical functions at once: bends the arm at the elbow and turns the forearm outward, which contributes to the maximum possible and complete muscle workout. Lifting dumbbells for biceps standing with supination alternately is the most effective option for working out the biceps muscles of the shoulder, so we took it as the main option.

Dumbbell hold
Dumbbell hold

🚨 How to technique:

✅ Initial position:

  • Take in both hands on the dumbbell of a suitable weight.
  • Hold the dumbbell in the hands down along the body of a neutral grip (palm to each other).
  • Take the starting position while standing: spread your legs to the width of the pelvis, straighten your back and flatten your shoulder blades.


✅ Motion:

  • Tighten the abdominal muscles. Inhale and as you exhale, perform flexing with both hands and at a position of 90 degrees from the shoulder, fix the dumbbells.
  • Lower the arm with the dumbbell downward, turning the hands to the neutral position.
    Perform a series of alternate flexion in the required amount.

🔥 Attention!

  • Do not swing the body. While the forearms make full-amplitude movements to the shoulder joints, the torso remains stationary – this is the meaning of effective isolation of the biceps.
  • Do not lift your shoulders up (elbows forward). This movement involves the delta, minimizing the load on the target muscle. And also increases the load on the ligaments of the shoulder and rotator cuff, which is extremely easy to injure.
  • Do not swing the dumbbells. The inertia that occurs in this case reduces the effectiveness of biceps training.
  • Do not “drop” the dumbbell, lowering the arm down. By maintaining control over the dumbbells on a negative stretch of amplitude and lowering the weight with resistance, you better stimulate the biceps.
  • Do not extend your arms at the elbows completely at the lowest point of the amplitude. This removes the biceps from the load and makes it less intensive to work out.
  • Do not use excessive weight dumbbells. Working with heavy projectiles reduces the degree of isolation of movement and increases the risk of injury, especially in the exercise version using supination techniques.
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