- Preacher curls are really nice because though they focus on one specific style of curl, they can be done in various places.
- Most gyms will have two types of preacher curl machines: weight stack and free weights.
- The weight stack machine for preacher curls is extremely comfortable and easy to use.
- You sit there, with a full elbow/arm pad, and you grab the double handle.
- This is the same setup for the free weight machine, except you need to add your weight plates manually.
- As with standard bicep curls, you curl your arms up, but this time your arms are rested on a pad.
- In a sense, this forces you to use less leg-drive and momentum to swing the weight with your curl.
- Outside of using the preacher curl machines, you can also set your elbows on any surface ledge and do curls that way.
These are still preacher curls and will work as such — sometimes there are just seated preacher pads, where you will use actual free weights like dumbbells or a barbell to curl (or an EZ curl bar).
Building a bigger pair of biceps typically requires relatively heavy curls, either with a barbell or dumbbells. But a set of arms that are chiseled as well as massive need to be trained with a variety of exercises—some big moves and some detailing moves. Here’s one of the latter: the spider curl. Do it as a finishing exercise in your arm workout for some strict isolation work that will make your biceps pop.
1. Arms hanging straight down toward the fl oor, fully extended Lean forward on a spider curl bench (as shown) or the benchless side of a preacher curl apparatus.
2. Hold a barbell with your arms extended and your triceps in contact with lower pad.
3.The upper pad should be snug in your armpits
How To Do A Barbell Curl
Stand tall with your chest up and core braced, holding the barbell with your hands just outside of your hips, using an underhand grip. Keeping your chest up and your elbows tight to your sides, initiate the move by raising your hands slightly so you feel your biceps become engaged. While maintaining tension on your biceps, curl the bar up to shoulder height, then give your biceps a one-second squeeze. Start to lower the bar slowly, keeping your biceps tensed and engaged to work as many muscle fibres as possible.
Once the bar is back in the start position, straighten your arms fully to tense your triceps to ensure that your biceps are worked through the fullest possible range of motion.