There’s a few variations to the calf stretch but the underlying difference is wether the knee is flexed or straight. This makes a difference In which muscle will be stretched the gastroc or the soleus. The soleus doesn’t cross the knee joint so stretching with the knee flexed will target it. While the gastroc which does, will be shortened during knee flexion not allowing for a complete stretch.
The soleus stretch with the knee flexed is useful for increasing ankle mobility during a flexed position such as when squatting. However during a standing position the gaatroc will limit the rom that the ankle can dorsiflex. This can affect the mobility to the ankle during movements with the knee extended. A tight gastroc can also lead to over pronation of the foot which isn’t good for flat feet.
It is important to remember that a simple soleus stretch may not be enough to loosen your calf muscles as it does not target the gastroc. This may play a factor in ankle Rom and position during walking standing or any knee extends position.
A great way to stretch the gastroc is whole training it in standing calf raises, by going through true full rom of motion and focusing on allowing the muscle to lengthen.