✅ Have you ever felt that sick tricep pump after a couple sets of Chin Ups?
Well, I have, and if you have experienced it as well, here’s the reason behind it..
👇 Our triceps are divided in 3 main heads: the lateral, the medial and the long head.
The long head attaches to the scapula and it is involved in the external rotation of the shoulder, with other muscles including the lats, the posterior detoid and other stabilizing muscles. Because of this reason, movements that will pull your arm back (like chin ups for example) will activate the long head. This is why you might feel it working during your lat-focused exercises.
✅ Now, obviously this does not mean you can grow your tricep’s long head through chin ups since I doubt they give enough stimulus to them (although I don’t have studies to demonstrate it).
✅ Isolating exercises (like overhead extensions et simila) will always be required to maximize the long head’s growth, while other exercises (like triceps pull downs et simila) will be always required to target the medial & lateral head more.
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