Standing Low-cable Rows 
Standing low cable rows are great for building thickness on the upper back: rear delts, upper trapezius, lower trapezius and teres major. I follow through with some one-arm rows to target the lats with maximum stretch and contraction.
10-20 reps
4 sets
Tip: Remember to rotate the wrist as you go back to the starting position, ensure palms are facing down again.
The lat pull down is one of the main exercises for back width. Also it is a great exercise for beginners that can’t do pull ups, because the possibility to adjust the weight you lift. If executed correctly, the main muscles it targets are Lattisimus dorsi (or short – lats) and rhomboids. Secondary muscles involved in this movement are the shoulders, biceps and forearms.
The equipment needed for executing the lat pull-down is usually a weighted cable pulley station with adjustable weights and seat.
The Hight Row is by far one of the most effective exercises for upper back development and help build that 3D element to your back.
- Pull the handle towards the upper abdomen
- Once the handle reaches the abdomen, slowly reverse the movement back to the starting position
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions
- Inhale as you allow them to return. Pull with your elbows, not with your biceps.
- Straddle bar and assume athletic position with back flat and chest out
- Grab rope attachment wrapped around bar near plates; assume 45-degree forward bend at waist
- Drive elbows back until hands reach outside of chest
- Lower weight with control until arms are straight; repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×8-12
Lance: We offset all of that pressing with some volume on this lift. We are working all the things that are the exact opposite of what we worked on the Bench Press.