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🔥3 Tips To Grow Your Shoulders👇

🔥3 Tips To Grow Your Shoulders👇
🔥3 Tips To Grow Your Shoulders👇

✅All isolation movements require that you lead with your elbow and not your hand in order to best isolate the delt muscle.
✅Do not use so much weight that you’re unable to fully control the negative.
✅Try super-setting multiple exercises. You can do this at the end or throughout the entire workout.


✅Neutral Grip Press
✅Shoulder Press
✅Dumbbell Lateral Raises
✅Single Dumbbell Front Raises
✅Seated Shrug Machine

✅Shoulder Press

The main load falls on the front beams of the deltas, but also the secondary muscles that receive the load are the chest namely its upper part


✅Dumbbell Lateral Raises

In the Dumbbell Lateral Raises exercise, the average beams of deltas work, this exercise is created for the study of the shoulders, this exercise gives roundness to your shoulders

Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Lateral Raises

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✅Single Dumbbell Front Raises

In this exercise, mainly the front beam of deltas, the middle and rear auxiliary

Single Dumbbell Front Raises
Single Dumbbell Front Raises

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