🔥How to Push Down & Overhead extension

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🔥How to Push Down & Overhead extension

📍Anatomy of the Tricep

Anatomy of the Tricep
Anatomy of the Tricep

The tricep is composed of three heads hence the work “tri”. They all attach down at the olecranon process meaning it crosses the elbow joint. This mean it will create the joint action of elbow extension.


The medial and lateral head of the tricep originate up on the back side of the humerus.

The long head of the tricep is different though. It originates up on the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula. This means it crosses the shoulder joint as well (crosses both shoulder and elbow) so it can also extend the shoulder.

📍Push Down

Push Down
Push Down


✘ 60-70 minutes
✘ 2 minutes rest on Close Grip and Skull crushers
✘ 90 seconds rest on the other 3 exercises
✘ Choose weights that’ll allow you to hit the rep range with perfect form.


This exercise will hit all three heads of the tricep with mainly a focus on the medial and lateral head.

📍Overhead extension

Overhead extension
Overhead extension

This exercise will hit all three heads of the tricep as well, but mainly focusing on the long head of the tricep allowing it to develop more force.

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