🔥How to Push & Pull Workout

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🚨 How to Push & Pull Workout

✅ If you are past the beginner’s stage and want to gain muscle, one of the best body part splits you can use to accomplish this is the push/pull/legs split routine.

✅ The push/pull/legs split is one of the simplest, most enduring and popular workout routines there is. And it’s also extremely effective; assuming of course that it’s done right.


How to Push & Pull Workout
How to Push & Pull Workout

🚨 What Is The Push/Pull/Legs Split Routine?

✅ The push/pull/legs split is a very simple training method in which you split your body into three parts. And each part is then trained on its own separate day.


✅ In the “push” workout you train all the upper body pushing muscles, i.e. the chest, shoulders and triceps.

In the “pull” workout you train all the upper body pulling muscles, i.e. the back and biceps.

triceps pushdown
triceps pushdown

✅ And in the “legs” workout you train the entire lower body, i.e. the quads, hamstrings, calves and abdominals.

✅ These three workouts are then alternated over however many weekly training sessions you choose to do.


Bigger Triceps
Bigger Triceps

🚨 A Sample Push/Pull/Legs Split Routine

✅ Here’s a great sample workout plan that is well structured and properly balanced; and it’s sure to give you exceptional results…

Workout 1 – Push

chest press
chest press


✅ Bench Press 3 X 5 – 7
✅ Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 X 6 – 8
✅ Incline Dumbbell Press 3 X 8 – 10
✅ Side Lateral Raises 2 X 10 – 12
✅ Triceps Pressdowns 2 X 8 – 10
✅ Overhead Triceps Extension 2 X 8 – 10

Build Chest Workout
Build Chest Workout

🔥 Workout 2 – Pull

Pull Ups
Pull Ups


✅ Bent-over Row 3 X 5 – 7
✅ Pull Ups 3 X 6 – 8
✅ Barbell Shrugs 3 X 8 – 10
✅ Face Pulls 2 X 10 – 12
✅ Barbell Curl 2 X 8 – 10
✅ Dumbbell Hammer Curl 2 X 8 – 10

🔥 Workout 3 – Legs/Abs

Squat Exercises
Squat Exercises

✅ Squats 3 X 6 – 8
✅ Romanian Deadlifts 2 X 8 – 10
✅ Leg Press 2 X 10 – 12
✅ Leg Curl 2 X 10 – 12
✅ Calf Raise 4 X 8 – 10
✅ Hanging Leg Raise 2 X 10 – 15

Hanging Leg Raise
✅ Hanging Leg Raise
Back Attack Exercises
Back Attack Exercises


✅ The sets listed are your work sets. Always warm up properly first in order to prepare your body for the heavier work, and to help prevent injury. However another advantage of this split routine is that fewer warm-up sets are required as training each exercise/body part warms you up for the next.

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