I Started My Weight Loss Stories, Before and After

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I Started My Weight Loss Stories, and Diet Plan.

I’m 43 and my name is Jane, and this is mine weight loss stories.

how to weight loss stories
Weight loss stories


It is Recommended to Include the Following List of Foods in the Weight Loss Diet:

  • Lean meat;
  • A fish;
  • Eggs;
  • Low-fat dairy products – cottage cheese, kefir, milk;
  • Porridge – millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, etc.;
  • Legumes – peas, beans, beans;
  • Fruits and vegetables.

Approximate Diet:

Description: This weight loss diet lasts for seven days. It lists only the main meals. It is recommended to have a snack between meals. On the basis of the above-described criteria for an optimal diet during drying, it is possible to draw up your own nutrition program for the period of excess weight removal.


Breakfast – oatmeal flakes, sweet tea, protein shake;
Lunch – chicken broth, chops with buckwheat, fresh vegetables;
Dinner – fish fried in vegetable oil, fresh vegetables;


  • Breakfast – buckwheat flakes, low-fat fish, tea with lemon and sugar;
  • Lunch – chicken breast and vegetables, cauliflower soup;
  • Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits and a protein shake;


  • The Breakfast – two boiled eggs, tea;
  • For Lunch – fish soup, boiled fish with potatoes;
  • Dinner, fruit with a protein shake.


  • Breakfast – muesli with a protein shake;
  • Lunch – soup with mushrooms, chicken breast, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner – stewed fish and carrot salad with cabbage.



  • The Breakfast – an omelet of 2 eggs, a bun with honey and tea;
  • For Lunch – buckwheat soup, porridge with chicken fillet, fruit juice;
  • 2 apples for dinner, protein shake.


  • The Breakfast – semolina porridge with raisins, protein cocktail;
  • Lunch – rice soup, pepper stuffed with cabbage, tea with lemon and sugar;
  • Dinner – a couple of boiled eggs, a protein cocktail.


  • The Breakfast – stewed fish, vegetable salad;
  • For Lunch – pickle, chicken breast and rice, fruit juice;
  • Dinner – one apple with a protein shake.

When will weight lost results appear?

The first changes in my weight loss stories were are noticed already at the end of the first week, with the correct implementation of the recommendations and adherence to the diet. I noticed good shape the whole body.

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If you were already actively involved in sports before start your weight loss, then the muscles will be better felt. During the drying process, it is usually the fat mass that goes away, and the muscle mass (which is much heavier) is retained, respectively, the weight will be lost more slowly than the volume.

So that the motivation to lost weight does not leave you, you can keep a diary where you will write down your weight lost story. Measure body volumes no more than once a week.

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