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Experiencing some type of knee pain? Maybe when walking, running, squatting or doing any exercise that involves knee flexion?
Well, chances are you’re “squeezing the towel”. The knee joint allows for flexion and extension, and because of the rotations that this joint allows, injuries to the soft tissue which surrounds it can occur. “the knee is sandwiched between the hip and the ankle” and can only do what these two joints allow it to do.
Strong glutes + weak arches: pain to the outer side of your knee.
Weak glutes + strong arches : pai in the inner side of your knee.
Finally some strong glutes + strong arches: the knee is strong and stable (both at the top and at the bottom) and it’s well kept into its track.
If you want me to draw exercises to strengthen your glutes & feet arches, comment down below and let me know!
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