A good leg drive in the bench press isn’t just pushing your heels straight down to the ground as hard as you can and pushing your butt off the pd pretending that it’s “helping”.
The leg drive has a job, which is maximizing the ability to stay tight, stable and with an ideal set up, even under heavy loads.
There are 2 steps I cue to go through;
On the Eccentric phase, while lowering the barbell on your lower chest, if you don’t use the right leg drive, chances are the weight will crush the set up and the upper back will lose tightness because of this. The result is a set up collapse.
To make up for this:
1) Personally I like to cue a little external rotation at the knees as the bar goes down, in order to fire the glutes and keep our upper body tight even under the pressure of the barbell.
During the concentric, you want to slide on the bench.
2) As the barbell sits on us you want to literally slide back on your bench, trying to basically bring your butt closer to the upper back.
Remember, this technique will work best when you’ll try to work with heavy % /1RMs.
It’s an advanced technique and in my opinion it shouldn’t be cued too soon to beginners since most people will try to rely too much on it, not really understanding its purpose.