Last post in regards to muscle ups, I promise! Hope you’ve enjoyed the progression so far and I really hope atleast one of you is going to get this exercise nailed down!
Anyway.. With this last post you’ve got everything you’ll need to start performing the exercise and slowly learn it with the proper for & technique: from the prerequisites to understanding the movement, and the actual progression. –
It’s obviously not gonna as easy as you’d like to and most likely not as clean as you’d like to in the first attempts but as long as you’ll keep training it, you’ll get better and better at it.
The first step is going to be the rubber band muscle up: you simply tie a rubber band on the bar and place your feet in it. The stretch of the band will help yourself pull over the barbell with ease, which is required for you (and your brain) to actually understand and learn the movement patterns you go through when performing the MU. Practice this until feeling comfortable with the movement. I would say: try to get atleast 10 full reps in a row without failing before transitioning onto the next step.
Okay cool, you’re now on step 2!
The knee to chest MU: as you progress into learning the movement, try removing the rubber band and replicating what you’ve done until now, without the help of the rubber band’s stretch. Yes, it’s going to be more difficult and that’s why you might find yourself benefitting from kicking your knees to your chest as you’re performing the pull, to create some vertical pulling momentum.
The progression to step 3 will take quite some time, but as long as you keep practicing, you’re going to be able to “clean” the movement. Drill the exercise as long as you’ll need to and slowly try isolating the exercise performance to your upper body only, by keeping your legs a little straighter as you progress.
The Clean Muscle Up: at this point you should be able to perform the exercise with your legs straight. From here, you can start training the strict muscle up, starting from a dead hang!