17 Push Ups Variation Gain Total Body Strength
There are a lot of kinds of push-ups, personally I know about fifty. But for you gathered a dozen of the most effective. For training, choose your type of push-ups depending on your goals.
1. legs, back and neck form a straight line;
2. the muscles of the legs and abdomen are tense;
3. in the lower position, the body almost touches the floor;
4. In the upper position of the arm, they are not fully extended, so that the elbow joint is not blocked.
Classic push ups
- For what: strengthens the triceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles.
- Starting position: the emphasis lying on the hands and feet, palms slightly wider than shoulders at chest level, are directed forward. Feet on the width of the pelvis.
- How to perform: while inhaling, bend your elbows to the right angle, dropping down. On the exhale, return to the original position.
Push ups with knees
- For what: to facilitate the process and to insure the lower back from overvoltage. I advise beginners.
- Starting position: as in the classic version, but the knees on the floor. You should not lift your shins up, otherwise your back will bend in the lower back.
- How to perform: the same technique. Ensure that the pelvis does not rise, the body is extended straight from the knees to the crown
Triceps Pushups
For what: focus on triceps.
Starting position: the emphasis lying on the hands and feet, palms at the width of the waist and at chest level, are directed forward. Feet on the width of the pelvis.
How to perform: while inhaling, bend your arms to a right angle, keeping your elbows back and pressing your forearms to your waist. On the exhale, return to the original position.
Wide Arm Pushups
For what: focus on the pectoral muscles.
Starting position: the emphasis lying on the hands and feet, palms – twice as wide as the shoulders, turned outwards.
How to perform: while inhaling, bend your elbows to the right angle, dropping down. On the exhale, return to the original position.
Opposite push-ups
- For what: alternately focus on the pectoral muscles and triceps. You can alternate with the classic push-ups, making steps hands.
- Starting position: the emphasis lying on the hands and feet, the right hand is set aside, the left back.
- How to perform: while inhaling, bend your elbows so that the right moves to the side and the left moves back along the body. Repeat the same thing in the other direction, changing the position of the hands.