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- Set up for the one arm cable curl by attaching a single grip handle to a low pulley cable and selecting the weight you want to use.
- Stand in front of the cable machine and grasp the handle with an underhand grip.
- Keeping your body fixed, elbow tucked in at your side, and eyes facing forward, slowly curl the weight up as far as possible.
- Squeeze the bicep at the top of the movement, and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
- Repeat for desired reps, and then repeat for the other arm.
Exercise Tips:
- Always start with you weakest arm.
- Keep your body straight and fixed during the set. Do not swing back or lean back as you curl the weight up.
- Keep the elbow of the arm curling the weight tucked in at your side and use the other arm to stabilize your body.
- Only your forearm should be moving.
High pulley curls
Stand between the pulleys, spread your arms, and grasp the high pulley handles with an underhand grip:
- Inhale and curl the handle towards your head
- Exhale as you complete the movement
This exercise is mostly used to complete a workout focusing on arm development. It works mainly the biceps particularly the long head, which is first stretched and tensed while your arms are spread. This exercise also works the brachialis.
Never use heavy weight with this exercise. Concentrate on feeling the proper contraction along the medial part of the biceps.
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