🔥SMALL WAIST Body Sculpt | Video & Guide

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🔥 SMALL WAIST Body Sculpt

1️⃣ Side dips x 15 each side

DR (diastasis recti) & pregnancy friendly, however you may prefer to lower top foot or knee to ground for extra support).

Side dips x 15 each side
Side dips x 15 each side


🚨 Video How to Side dips:


2️⃣ Lying leg lift x 15 each side (I added my 2.2L/2.2kg water bottle).

🔥 Keep top foot flexed & imagine stretching it as far away to activate leg muscles. DR friendly, for pregnancy friendly option choose a standing leg lift.


Lying leg lift x 15 each side
Lying leg lift x 15 each side

🚨 HOW TO VIDEO Lying leg lift x 15 each side:


3️⃣ Squat hold cross overs x 20 alternating side (using a water bottle if you’d like to add extra resistance to abdominal muscles).

🔥 DR friendly, for pregnancy friendly option do not do the cross overs, simply reach to each side – right hand to right calf etc.

Squat hold cross overs x 20 alternating side
Squat hold cross overs x 20 alternating side

🚨 HOW TO VIDEO Squat hold cross overs x 20 alternating side


4️⃣ Standing upright row x 15 (I’m using my 2.2L/2.2kg water bottle).

🔥 If your sticking to a light weight then it’s safe for those with DR or pregnant. However, if you’re wanting to lift heavy for you then please choose a standing position to relieve any pressure off the pelvic floor muscles.

Standing upright row
Standing upright row


🚨 Video How To Standing upright row:

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