The 3 Best Trap Exercises for Mass, Benefits, Tips

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The 3 Best Trap Exercises for Mass

Let’s look at the 3 best trap exercises that will help you develop a powerful and impressive back of the back.

Best Trap Exercises
Best Trap Exercises


In some athletes, even from a small load, the trapezoid grows in proportion to the shoulders and back muscles (this option is found in most cases). For others, the picture is completely different – even hard specialized training gives a very modest result. In this article, we will figure out how to properly train this muscle group and which trapeze exercises are the most effective.

At first glance, it may seem that just a couple of simple exercises are enough to develop this muscle group. I thought so too before, and my list of trapeze exercises consisted of only three exercises with a barbell, and then with dumbbells. The trap muscles have really grown and become more massive. But only when viewed from the front.

What are Trap Muscles Work?

The trapezium is located in the upper back and on top adjoins the muscles of the neck. Visually, it can be divided into three parts:

  1. Upper – adjoins the neck, is responsible for lifting the shoulders up.
  2. Medium – between the shoulder blades, is involved in the rise of the blades.
  3. Lower – in the lower part of the shoulder blades, is responsible for lowering the scapular bones in the lower phase of the movement.
  • Shrugs – are rightfully considered the best exercise for developing a trapeze, but many athletes do them wrong. Do not include biceps and forearms. Hand straps help very well with this. The elbows should be almost completely straightened during the approach, then the load will lie purposefully on the trapezoid.
  • Do not use too much working weight. When training the trapezius muscles, it is much more important to work in full amplitude and feel the maximum muscle contraction at the top point, lingering in it for 1-2 seconds.
  • Do not press your chin to your chest while doing shrugs. This increases the compression of the cervical spine and can lead to injury.

1. Shrugs with a Barbell – is one Best Trap Exercises

How to Do:

Shrugs with a barbell – is the main exercise for a lot of trapezes. Their upper part mainly works here, since when lifting the bar is located in front of you. The movement should be amplitude as if at the top point you are trying to reach your ears with your shoulders. In this movement, you can work with a sufficiently large weight, so you can better feel the stretching of the muscles at the lower point. Use wrist straps and an athletic belt if necessary.

Barbell shrug - One Best Trap Exercises
Barbell shrug – One Best Trap Exercises


| Read more about Reverce Barbell Shrug

Use a medium grip shoulder-width apart to not include shoulders. When lifting, hold the bar as close to the body as possible and minimize cheating – this method will not lead to anything other than increasing the risk of injury. An alternative is the shrags in Smith.

2. Dumbbell Shrugs – Second Best Trap Exercises

Shrugs with dumbbells – this is an exercise on the upper part of the trap. It is recommended that you use less weight, but do more repetitions, so you can easily achieve intense pumping (blood supply to the muscles).

How to Dumbbell Shrugs
How to Do Dumbbell Shrugs


How to Do:

Since the hands are turned parallel to each other in this exercise, the forearms are actively involved. Therefore, focus on keeping your arms straight and not bending your elbows. Then you will lift the dumbbells by the force of the trap, not the arms. You can also use straps.

See Video about Shrug:

3. Barbell Shrug Behind The Back

This is a great exercise for the middle and lower trap. It is not entirely suitable for beginners, as it requires a developed muscular skeleton and good stretching of the shoulder joints.

How to Barbell Shrug - Best Trap Exercises
How to Barbell Shrug – Best Trap Exercises


How to Do:

For convenience, this exercise is recommended to be performed in the Smith simulator. At the lower point, relax all the muscles of the shoulder girdle to lower the bar as low as possible. But do not forget to keep the lumbar spine perfectly evenly. The closer to the back you will be holding the bar when lifting, the stronger the trapezoid will work. A more distant position will load the rear deltas more heavily.


Each trapeze workout I choose 2-3 exercises, constantly forming a new training program. So I manage to swing the traps every time, diversifying the workout, forcing them to grow both up and in thickness. Perform 3-4 approaches in which there will be 12-10-8 Reps.

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