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👇 Hamstrings can be a tricky muscle to train, sometimes it seems like nothing makes them grow. That might be because you haven’t gotten them to activate properly. The hamstring muscles can often be tight and hypertonic which makes their activation hard and we often neglect stretching them and activating them properly. Unfortunately they won’t grow to the fullest amount if you just blast them with hamstring curls; they require some hip extension movements as well.

✅This is where RDLs & Good mornings come in, however its often that people do this in the wrong way to target the hamstring. The hamstrings are longer thinner muscles which are meant for more of a velocity production rather than force like the glutes, which they compete with for hip extension. This becomes a problem when we try to work them with heavy loads on RDLs and good mornings, you may feel them working, but that’s most likely them just stretching.

To properly train them you have learn to activate them properly and give them their proper length back. To do this you can start with RDL’s with dumbbells this will make sure you’re doing a lighter weight and getting greater hip flexion to give the hamstrings a nice stretch and allow for lighter weight so they can work properly. Once you’ve progressed enough to where you feel them starting to work you can progress on to the next variation Single leg RDL’s.

You can start without any weight because you’ll notice there is a significant balance aspect to this exercise. The key to this exercise is hinging at the hip and moving as one piece form your head to your foot keeping everything in line. You’ll notice you get more of a stretch doing these single legged starting with the back leg slightly bent then moving to straight. You can progress eventually to weight in the same side as the hinging leg then to the opposite. Once you feel comfortable with these you can eventually try the Nordic hamstring curl!
🚨 If you progress properly you should notice a difference in a few weeks and your hamstrings will be sore the next day.



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