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🔥 Curtsy lunge pulses

✳️ Curtsy lunge pulses x 15 each side – pregnancy friendly.

Curtsy lunge pulses
Curtsy lunge pulses


One of my most frequently requested workouts I get!
So how do you get a “thigh gap”? Our pelvis structure plays a large part in this. Some women’s hip bones sit further apart so a “thigh gap” is going to naturally be more prominent.

Rather than trying to achieve a “thigh gap”, look at becoming your healthiest self and find your body’s ultimate happy state, thigh gap or no thigh gap (there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your beautiful thighs touching ladies!!!).


However, to achieve toned inner thighs, gap or no gap here are some of my favourite inner thigh exercises that will have your inner thighs burning and …. quite sore the next day, just warning hehe.

Complete 3-5 rounds but remember 1 round is still always better than none!! Let me know if you’re saving this one.

👇 Example of exercise performance in video 👇

🔥 Single leg raised hip thrusts

✳️ Single leg raised hip thrusts x 15 each side (really try to bring the top leg in when coming up to create more resistance) – DR option keep both feet on chair, NOT pregnancy friendly.


Single leg raised hip thrusts
Single leg raised hip thrusts

👇 Example of exercise performance in video 👇

🔥 Sumo squats with chair and raised heel

✳️ Sumo squats with chair and raised heel x 15 each side – DR (diastasis recti) friendly, pregnant women please opt for a plié instead.


Sumo squats with chair and raised heel
Sumo squats with chair and raised heel

👇 Example of exercise performance in video 👇

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