How to Do Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine

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How to Do Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine

How to Do Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine, high-intensity volume workout 7x, Mr. Olympia. How to Executing Workout Arnold Program.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Biceps Exercises
Arnold Schwarzenegger Biceps Exercises


Workout Description

The following are two typical workouts and split structures used by 7x Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger. They feature a high frequency and high volume approach, training each major muscle group 2-3 times per week.

Arnold Stats

  • 7 time Mr. Olympia – 1970-75, 1980
  • Height – 6’2″
  • Weight – 235 lbs
  • Arms – 22 inches (Many sources claim this number to be inflated)
  • Chest – 57 inches
  • Waist – 34 inches
  • Deadlift – 710 pounds
  • Bench Press – 440 pounds
  • Squat – 470 pounds

Arnold Eating Plan

Arnold backed up this hardcore style of training with plenty of food and a focus on good nutrition. He structured his eating plan using the following principles:

  • Frequent Feeding – 5-6 feedings per day: 3 whole food meals and 2-3 whole food “snacks”.
  • Calories – Up to 5,000 calories per day.
  • Protein Intake – 300 plus grams of protein.
  • Post-Workout Carbs – Carbs within 30 minutes after finishing a workout.
  • Protein Shakes – Use if needed to get in your daily protein.
Biceps Routine from Arnold Schwarzenegger
Biceps Routine from Arnold Schwarzenegger


Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine Variation #1

Each major body part is trained 2 times per week. This Arnold Schwarzenegger workout variation was featured in the book The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Dobbins.

1. Day – Chest and Back;
2. Day  – Shoulders and Arms;
3. Day  – Legs and Lower Back;
4. Day  – Chest and Back;
5. Day  – Shoulders and Arms;
6. Day  – Legs and Lower Back;
7. Day  – Rest.

Notes: Attempt to reach failure around 10 reps for your first set of each exercise.

| Read more The 8 Best Arnold Schwarzenegger at Home Training

✅ Days 1 & 4 – Chest and Back Workout Routine


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Bench Press 3-4 10
Incline Bench Press 3-4 10
Dumbbell Pullovers 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Chin Up 3-4 10
Bent-Over Row 3-4 10
Deadlift 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Crunches 5 25


| See also How to Chest Training Arnold Schwarzenegger 

✅ Days 2 & 5 – Shoulders and Arms Workout Routine


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Barbell Clean and Press 3-4 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3-4 10
Upright Row 3-4 10
Military Press 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Standing Barbell Curl 3-4 10
Seated Dumbbell Curl 3-4 10
Close Grip Bench Press 3-4 10
Standing Barbell Tricep Extension 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Wrist Curls 3-4 10
Reverse Wrist Curls 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Reverse Crunch 5 25



✅ Days 3 & 6 – Legs and Lower Back Workout Routine


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Squats 3-4 10
Lunges 3-4 10
Leg Curl 3-4 10

Lower Back

Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Stiff Leg Deadlift 3-4 10
Good Mornings 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Standing Calf Raise 3-4 10


Exercise Sets Rep Goal
Crunches 5 25


Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Routine Variation #2

Each major body part is trained 3 times per week. This Arnold Schwarzenegger workout variation is a typical example of his higher frequency workouts.

1. Day – Chest, Back, and Legs;
2. Day  – Shoulders and Arms;
3. Day  – Chest, Back, and Legs;
4. Day  – Shoulders and Arms;
5. Day  – Chest, Back, and Legs;
6. Day – Shoulders and Arms;
7. Day  – Rest.


Of course, the Golden Era of Bodybuilding is long gone and training is not like those that were in the 80-90s for a long time. In those days, athletes trained a lot and had little rest, the muscle volumes are far from those that are now shown in the top categories for Mr.Olympia in competitions. But if you like the aesthetics of the guys from the golden age of bodybuilding, you can try this program workout.


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