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Before and After

Before and After – Weight Loss Story

See and Rate these before and after pictures of people who tried the Right Diet, and read their inspiring success stories.

Lost around 84lbs

Lost around 84lbs! To 2013 when I was trying on my wedding dress. I had already lost around 84lbs from my heaviest and I was chuffed...

Photo progress weght loss!

Photo progress weght loss! Photo progress, the middle picture was actually took on 11th July not june! So happy with my gradual progress!!

weight loss and happy

Weight loss and happy! Height: 163 cm SW: 96,5 KG CW: 77,8 KG GW: ?? When I feel healthy and happy :) The before picture was taken a little over a...

weght loss before and after

Monthly weight loss weigh in is up on the blog!  For the first time since January I saw the scale go up...

Eating right and working

HW: 255lbs CW: 215lbs GW:~150lbs I am 5’9” and 19 years old. Eating right, working, and working out really helped me. Not to mention I finally decided to...

Before & After

How I Weight Lost 10kg in 3 months – Personal Experience...

How I weight lost 10kg in 3 Months - Personal Experience Milk Tea Diet I followed the milk tea diet using fasting days. And I...
