before and after weight loss photos

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For those who are new to my page, I’ve lost 75lbs naturally with over 10 years of ups and downs.

before and after weight loss photos

I’ve had the highs and I’ve had the lows of weightloss but I have never giving up on myself completely. The process takes time if you do it the healthy and right way, healthy weightloss is 1-2lbs per week, if you’re on track with diet and exercise most the time, I would say from experience 80/20.

Some see results faster than others and no one is the same. .
When I was at my heaviest I still kept a smile on my face in public but I was very unhappy and often times would find myself binge eating food alone but couldn’t admit to myself how I possible gained all the weight that I did. .
Fast forward to now, this last summer I was in the best shape of my life and I let that slip away.

I let myself get the best of me and now I am 12lbs heavier than I would like to be. Clothes fit different and I don’t feel as comfortable in my skin as I used to.

But that’s real life and that’s my story. Have I given up? Hell no. I’m always a work in progress and with each downfall or failure I come to, I use that as fuel to move forward and not make the same mistake twice.

You too can achieve anything you set your mind to.

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