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✅ This will be the 3 parts of the lighting series of the 3 most problematic areas when it comes to squats. The first series will be devoted to the ankle and foot. There are 2 components that we are looking for, the ability to dorsiflex and medium mobility. When squatting, if there is a shortage in one of these areas, this will lead to compensation up the chain.

🔥 The first factor we want to focus on is the dorsiflexion component;

  • in order to improve this, we will need to stretch the calves specifically on the sole. This can be done against a wall or from a step, 3 sets of 30 seconds for each leg.
  • This will dramatically increase your ability to dorsiflex, allowing your knees to move forward and eliminate excessive hip flexion and your hips. You can combine this with distraction of the front elbow ankle for best results.

This is done by looping the resistive tape under the ankle, straining it and moving the ankle in and out of the plantar flexion.The next factor on which we want to focus is mobility on the legs, this is largely due to the inability to penetrate deep squat. The middle stop should be able to rise until the 3 points of contact touch the ground. With the hard middle of the foot, the foot cannot rotate the blockage of the hips, this position is also not optimal for the activation of shine.

To mobilize your midfoot, you will want to step on the middle of the foot using the opposite heel, applying moderate pressure, and then turn the foot that you are stepping on, keeping the leg all the time. During this, you should feel how the arch of your foot rises and a crack in your foot can be felt. Do this in about 30 seconds.

Try this until the next squat and see if you notice an improvement, continuing this will ultimately lead to lasting changes. The next post describes how to get into a deep squat garden and get rid of the hip constraint when squatting.

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