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🍑 Bigger Butt at Home 

✅ So because dragging our Butt to the gym is just too much sometimes, we put our booty dilemma to fitness guru and personal guide our site 💪 weighteasyloss.com and we asked for a booty prescription that would take no more than 5 minutes of our time.


WeightEasyLoss👇 put together the ultimate booty workout that promises that after just two weeks of doing this 5-minute exercise routine daily, you’ll actually be able to see a peachy difference. And you don’t need any fancy gym equipment or weights, just your own body weight, a timer, and some tunes.

🚨 Do each of these exercises for one minute, with a ten-second rest in between. It looks easy, but trust us, it’s five majorly intense minutes.

Bigger Butt at Home 
Bigger Butt at Home 


1. ✅ Wide stance squats: Make sure your feet are about three to four feet apart, then turn your toes out to a 45-degree angle, and place your hands on your hips. Lower yourself down by bending your knees. To intensify the squat, hold a dumbbell in each hand and lift it up to underneath your chin each time you come up.

2. ✅ Reverse Lunges: Start with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Step backward, keeping your stance narrow, bend your knee, lowering it towards the floor. Step back up, returning to your start position. To intensify the workout, hold a 5kg weight with the opposite hand to the leg that is being lowered.

3. ✅ Side lunges: Start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Shift your body weight to one leg, bending your knee until the other leg is straight. Return to the center and do the same step with the other leg.



4. ✅ Donkey kicks: Start with your hands and your knees on the floor and raise one leg in a backward motion, keeping it bent at the knee with your sole facing the ceiling. Bring your leg back down, returning to starting position, and repeat.

Total Booty Home Workout
Total Booty Home Workout


5. ✅ Floor glute bridge: Lie with your back to the floor, with your knees bent. Keep your arms by your side with your palms face down. Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your abs and your glutes. Raise one leg, keeping it bent at the knee, and then lower it back to the floor. Once your foot is touching the floor, lower your hips so that they’re also touching the floor. Do it again with the opposite leg.

🚨 Single Leg Press

✅ The leg press is one of few machines worth using in your gym, why?

🔥 The leg press is fantastic for applying progressive overload to the legs, with emphasis easily being placed on lagging muscle groups be it the quads, hamstrings or glutes simply by adjusting your foot placement on the sled. A wider, higher up stance will emphasise the hamstrings and glutes, meanwhile a narrower, lower down the sled style of stance will place greater emphasis on the quads.


Single Leg Press
Single Leg Press

🚨 Single Leg Press Form:


  • Sit down on a leg press machine with one foot in the middle of the leg press sled.
  • Lower the safety rails and extend your leg until locked out with the desired weight on your leg press machine.
  • While inhaling proceed to flex your knee to lower the sled down to the 90 degree mark.
  • Pause for 1 second.
  • Drive through your heel to power the sled back up until your leg is extended once again.

🔥 Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions before putting switching legs, once done ensure you put the safety rails back on to finish your set (don’t let the sled fall on you!).

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