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🚨French Press🚨


French Press
French Press

🔥 Many athletes believe that the French press should be performed solely in a prone position, because only in this case you can achieve impressive results. However, this is not entirely true, and a part of the loads falls on the chest and shoulders.

🚨French Press🚨
🚨French Press🚨

🚨 The French press of standing is also good in that it allows you to achieve not only a quality pumping muscle, but also minimal wear and tear on the joints. Despite the fact that the exercise is performed standing, the load on the spine in this case is not critical, since the athlete uses modest weights.

French Press
French Press

Do a French press standing or sitting in the following order:

  • First you need to take the initial position: the shoulders are straightened, the pelvis is slightly retracted. The head should remain fixed during the whole exercise.
  • The bar is gripped somewhat narrower than the width of the shoulders. The elbows are parallel to each other and look up. The shoulder forms an angle of 90 degrees with the floor surface.
  • The neck slowly descends behind the head, after which the arms straighten out at the elbows. It is not recommended to fully straighten the elbows.
  • After performing the required number of repetitions, the bar is gently placed on the stand or on the floor.
French Press
French Press
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