A common compensation with the front squat is not being able to maintain the high elbow position. Of course there are other reasons as to why this may happen besides the reasons I provided above.
The muscles that if tight will inhibit the shoulder to optimally flex while front squatting. The two muscles are the latissimus dorsi which attaches to the humerus and the tricep long head which attaches to the shoulder.
Thoracic extension can also impact mobility of the shoulder. Flexing the shoulder in a upright position such as the front squat, will need t-spine extension to have adequate shoulder flexion to keep those elbows high especially with a bar across your shoulders and upper chest.
Stay tuned for my next post where I show you guys how to get those muscle and areas more mobile to get that high elbow position!
As mentioned in my last post on front squat compensations, here I give you guys some basics to gaining more mobility for your front squat.
Commonly, you want to maintain a high elbow position through out the movement. This is where the lats and long head of the triceps come in to play. These muscles, if tight, will decrease range of motion in the shoulder joint which is need to get that high elbow position.
The t-spine is also an area of concern. If you are lacking in t-spine extension specifically, you won’t be able to maintain that high elbow position. As you go through your front squat, you will need t-spine extension to also keep those elbows high.
Wrist extension is important to have so it is important to stretch the wrist flexors which are often the culprit. Having adequate wrist extension will allow you to get your fingers under the bar and have a proper set up.
External rotation is also important especially if you have big arms which don’t allow you to fully flex the elbow and get your fingers underneath the bar. To make up for the muscle blocking your way, you take on a wider grip which requires external rotation of the shoulder.
⠀Mobility Drills
Seated t-spine extension
Dowel assisted external rotation
Quadruped wrist stretch
Dowel lat, tricep, and t-spine drill