The key muscle group working with the barbell standing press is the shoulders. Most of the load is emphasized on the front delta, a little less on the middle one, the rear delta is practically not involved in the movement, but it carries an indirect static load.
Muscle: shoulders
Type : compound
Sets : 4
Reps : 8-12
Rest: 60 sec
In such traumatic exercises in no case should not deviate from the correct technique in favor of a greater working weight or more repetitions. Including additional muscle groups (legs, lower back) into the work, you not only reduce the effectiveness of the bench press while standing, as the shoulders get less load, but you risk serious spinal injury due to strong compression of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine.
Bending knees
not keeping core activated
not contesting shoulders
full range of motion
feet shoulder width apart
Controlled reps