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Raising hands with dumbbells in front of you – developing delta

How to Dumbbell front raises



Dumbbell front raises is one of the most effective exercises for deltoid muscles. These muscles cover the shoulder joint like the shoulder armor and consist of three tufts: front, middle and rear. The front beam responds to the forward hand, and, accordingly, this exercise maximally uses this part of the muscle.

Regular execution Dumbbell front raises will make the deltas round, clearly delineated, develop their strength and volume. Exercise is very popular among professional athletes, in particular, tennis players, wrestlers and athletes.

Effects on muscles from Dumbbell front raises

First of all, the Dumbbell front raises develop the shoulders , namely the front and middle deltas. The front pulls the upper hand, and the middle stabilizes its position.

In addition, the following muscles work in the exercise: thoracic, trapezoidal, internal part of the biceps, jagged. Due to the fact that the correct lifting of the dumbbells is possible only with a strained press, the exercise also tones the abdominal muscles. Together with them, the muscles of the legs and back play the role of stabilizers of the back.

Dumbbell front raises are an isolating exercise that develops a specific muscle group. In order to get a harmonious body, you need to combine it with other exercises for the arms and shoulders.

Choice of weight and warm-up when doing Dumbbell front raises

Beginning girls can use weight from 2 kg, men – from 4-5. Optimal weight for yourself you will determine after a couple of lessons. Deltas are small muscles, they get tired quickly, and too much weight simply will not allow you to finish the workout.



Execute Exercise Dumbbell front raises
Execute Exercise Dumbbell front raises


As for men, then gradually, when you hone the technique of exercise, it will be possible to bring the weight to 16-20 kg. Do not increase the load by more than 2 kilograms at a time. Work with a lot of burdening involves excellent technique. In this case, a small number of repetitions is performed.
Based on your level of preparation and the chosen weight, you can perform simultaneous or alternate mahi.
Consider that lifting two heavy dumbbells forward is extremely difficult and inconvenient. This threatens with the fact that the technique of doing the exercise may be disrupted.
Focus on your own feelings. The alternate lifting of the dumbbells will not reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but it will allow the muscles to rest from the intense load.

How to Execute Exercise Dumbbell front raises

How to properly lift dumbbells in front of you? First, take the correct starting position. Take the dumbbells in your hands and place them in front of you at the level of your hips.

You should not touch your hips with your hands. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and chest and fix the body in this position. Slightly bend your arms in the elbow joints and strain the muscles. It is in this position that your body will be throughout the exercise. Now you can perform lift ahead.

Dumbbell front raises



You should not touch your hips with your hands. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders and chest and fix the body in this position. Slightly bend your arms in the elbow joints and strain the muscles. It is in this position that your body will be throughout the exercise. Now you can perform raises dumbels ahead.

  1. Inhale, raise your hands with dumbbells to the level of the chin. Hands during movement remain slightly bent at the elbows and do not straighten out to the end. Movement should be made solely by rotation in the shoulder joint.
  2. Make sure that the movement of the hands is carried out in a vertical plane without displacements horizontally. With the simultaneous lifting of the dumbbells, the distance between the arms should be equal to the width of the shoulders. It is forbidden to reduce or raise hands in the sides.
  3. The extreme point of motion is at the level of the chin. Having reached it, stay for a couple of seconds, maximally strain the deltas and slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Take a short pause (for 1-2 respiratory cycles) and repeat. Work at a moderate pace. Do 10-12 repetitions. Rest for 1 minute and repeat 1-2 more times

Lifting dumbbells in front of you is an exercise for deltoid muscles. It will make your shoulders strong and embossed, and also prepare them for other kinds of loads.

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