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🔥 Give This Forearm Routine A Try👇

✅ Single-Arm Reverse Forearm Curls

Single-Arm Reverse Forearm Curls
Single-Arm Reverse Forearm Curls


  • Stand straight, hold a dumbbell using and overhand grip with your hands shoulder width apart.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor, at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder width apart.


  • Leaning forward, your forearms above floor and your palms facing down. The front of your wrists should look down. This is the start position.
  • Lower the dumbbell as far as possible by bending your wrists only. Keep your forearms flat on your thighs. Hold for a count of one.
  • Now curl the dumbbell upwards continuing past the start position as far as possible using your wrists only. Hold for a count of one while squeezing your forearms.
  • Repeat the entire movement for the desired number of repetitions.

✅ Standing Dumbbell Neutral Grip Forearm Curls

  • Main Muscle Group : Forearm
  • Type : Strength
  • Mechanics : Isolation
  • Equipment : Bench , Dumbbell
  • Difficulty : Beginner


Standing Dumbbell Neutral Grip Forearm Curls
Standing Dumbbell Neutral Grip Forearm Curls

🔥 How To Perform Exercise

👇 Steps :


  • Start off stand straight with your forearms holding a dumbbell in both hands with a neutral grip.
  • Slowly upper the dumbbell up as far as possible squeezing your forearms and hold for a count.
  • Then return back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.


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