Tutorial Push ups: Video & Guide, How to, and Variations

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Tutorial Push ups

In this tutorial push ups, we will consider variations push up technique, explain how one technique differs from another, and analyze the advantages of push-ups over another exercises.



The content of the article:

Read time: 6 min.

  1. What is push ups ?
  2. Benefits of Pushup
  3. Tutorial Push ups

4. Push up Routine

5. Conclusion

What is Push ups ?

Push up – is one of the most popular and basic workouts without weight and pumping the upper section of the whole body. Pushup growth strength and endurance, can build muscle with proper nutrition and regular training, strengthen joints.

To do pushup, you do not need gyms, so this exercise is considered basic in training. It is generally accepted that for a chest workout, the basic exercise is a barbell press, but push up can easily replace it. Strength training with a barbell is not a safe exercise where work occurs with large weights and is probably useful only to bodybuilders.

Classical pushup do not affect the joint and grow natural practical strength, in order to start push-ups it is enough just to get out of bed at home and make a couple of working approaches with a number of reps from 10 to 25. Read below our tutorial push ups.

Exercise to pushup – used to build muscle and strength, and very often used as the main exercise in the military, from here came one of the varieties called military push up.

Barbell press became the most popular exercise in the gym, and only girls began to use push-ups, and also as an exercise for regular gymnastics and Pilates.

Today we will consider various methods of gradually increasing the push-ups that can growth the upper body of such power that no bodybuilder or powerlifter can achieve in the gym. Also, these exercises will protect your shoulders from the herbs that happen when performing the classic barbell bench press.

Wide Hands Push-ups for Pectoral Muscles

Weight and number of repetitions for beginners:

  • Athletes: 10 – 15 reps of 0 – 10 kg. 3 – 4 approaches.
  • Women: 8 – 12 reps without weight. 3 – 4 approaches.

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (total load is summed):

Chest  10 (high)
Triceps  6 (middle)
Front Delta 3 (middle)
Tutorial Push ups , Wide Hand Pushup
How to Do Wide Hand Pushup


  1. The legs and back should be in one straight line during the entire exercise. That is, you do not need to lift up the pelvis, or lower it, arching the back.
  2. To increase the speed qualities of muscles (especially relevant for wrestler or fighters), you can do push up with claps. The easiest option is clapping in front of you. More difficult – claps behind his head.
  3. If you put your hands on the bench, you can push up more below. And the lower you go down, the more chest or triceps will stretch (depending on what you muscle focus on). So the effectiveness of the exercise will be higher. As supports can be special stops for push up, skirtings, discs, etc.
  4. For those who want to more push up, i recommend to put their hands in the push-ups as in the barbell press, on the shoulder width. That is, the push up technique should copy the barbell press technique.
  5. With a wide set of arms and decline of the elbows as far as possible, the chest works the most. However, the load on the shoulder joints is maximum. Therefore, be careful with this technique.

Exercise description

Great and easy exercise. If you put your feet on a small stand – it will be harder. And if you also put your hands on the stands so that you can lower yourself lower, it will be even tougher. And if you put weight discs on your back it will be moste harder.

In general, if you can completely push up yourself off the floor at least 15 times – make the task harder for yourself by the above methods. With additional weights, this exercise is quite capable of developing the strength and mass of your pectoral muscles.


Benefits of Pushup

Regular workout pushup allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. The growth the hardness of muscles chest, an increase in their volume (some effect during training without weight and pronounced growth during training with weights), drawing the relief of the upper body.
  2. Good works on the deltoid muscles, muscles of the hands (triceps), abs is also statically activated.
  3. Increased stamina and overall fitness level.
  4. Increased blood circulation, which is especially important when sedentary work.
  5. Like any other physical activity, push-ups help improve mood and fight stress.

As for contraindications to the exercise, they are injuries to the shoulder joints or wrists. The rest of the push-ups are quite safe, subject to the correct technique.

Tutorial of the Pushup

Execution Technique 

Pushup a have a lot of variations. You can do push-ups from the floor, benches or do an exercise from the knees (light version). Consider the classic technique and some variations.


  • We do a stand on straight arms. You don’t need to put your palms too wide (this can cause injury) – we put them a little wider than the shoulders. The arm can be slightly spread apart for convenience. The body is absolutely straight, there is no deflection in the lower back, the neck is a continuation of the spine, the gaze is lowered, the muscles of the abdomin are tense.
  • On inspiration, keep the body absolutely straight, bend your arms while spreading your elbows to the sides. With your chest, you should almost touch the floor.
  • As you exhale, focusing on how the pectoral muscles contract, go push down and return to the initial position.

Push up Routine

Let’s look at different types of push-ups, compare them with each other so that you can diversify your workouts, and not focus on workout with free weights in the gym.

Slow Push-ups

Usually, when it comes to complicating the implementation of pushup, it is proposed to change the position of the hands (wider, narrower, closer to the lower back or higher than the shoulder line, on one hand, etc.) or the use of such methods as push-ups in motion or in a jump, which physiology does not always allow (for example, pain with a certain direction of hands, as I have after a wrist fracture) or physical preparation.

I want to tell you about another kind of complication of this exercise – these are slow push-ups.

There are several options for this type of push-ups:

  1. slow lowering and fast (explosive) rise;
  2. rapid lowering with a slow rise;
  3. slow lowering and raising.

The fast phase can be performed both at an average pace and very quickly (if you can), slow can take from 5 to 20-30 seconds.

You can use the “Slow Pushup” mode, as in the video below.

Naturally, the longer the slow phase, the harder the execution.

Eccentric Push-Up

How to:

  1. Start press up from the floor, the elbows begin to curl parallel to the body.
  2. As soon as you reach the floor with your chest, transfer the body weight to your legs, with your hands, push yourself back.
  3. The emphasis will be on your knees, from this position return to the initial position.
  4. Perform 3 sets 15-20 times.

Muscle Load:

  • Basic: Chest muscle, triceps, anterior bundle of deltoid muscle.
  • Additional: anterior dentate muscle, trapezius muscle, rectus abdominis muscle.


This exercise is a sophisticated press up version that creates a smooth load on the whole body. When doing the exercise, try to avoid twists and lateral flexions of the spine.

Incline Pushup

Inclined pushup – very suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. If you have already mastered the classic push-ups or have tried Hindi push-ups, then you can begin to perform pushup in the slope.


Girls need to include this type of pushup in their program so that the muscles become stronger and they can move on to more complex types of exercises.
This exercise can be well combined with running or performed in the morning before work.


  1. Focus on the bench, if you feel that it will be hard to do press up , doing exercises with puting on your knees.
  2. Remember, the higher the surface from which you will do pushup, the easier it is to perform the exercise.
  3. Put your hands a little wider than your shoulders and focus on the edge of the bench, this will be the initial position.
  4. Start to bend your hands and press up to the bench, when your chest is at a low point, return to its initial position.
  5. Perform the desired number of repetitions

How to Execution:

On the inhale and bend your hends, until it touches the bench or other elevation on which you are doing the exercise. Once you reach the lower of the position, return to your initial position.


To make triceps actively participate, put your arms under your shoulders. When you do press up, bend your arms parallel to the body, and fully straighten at the top point. In order to maximize pumping of the chest muscles, put your hands as wide as possible, when doing press up, the elbows should bend to the side of your body, and form an angle of 90 degrees. Legs in all two versions stand on the width of the shoulders.


While you’re a beginner, use our tutorial push ups for maximum pumping your pectoral muscles as you can. The main thing is that each repeat is done correctly and in full amplitude. If the classic version of push-ups is still difficult for you, do an exercise from the knees or do press up from the bench with your hands. In particular, this option can be recommended for women.

Do about 10-15 repetitions of 3-5 approaches.

Read how to: 10 Level Push Ups 

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