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🚨 To see a full array of biceps workouts, you can check out ✅ Weighteasyloss.com, 🔗Exercise Database, which hosts video demonstrations of hundreds of exercises and thousands of reps with top models from the industry. But, if you just want to see the top biceps exercises as rated by you—our users—and incorporate them into your workout, keep reading!


The brachialis muscle is located in the upper arm. It lies underneath the biceps muscle.
Training your brachialis is a great way to help “project” a massive arm because as the brachialis develops, it actually pushes your biceps and triceps further away from one another, making for a wider-appearing arm. Tip: Train the Brachialis First

📌The key to bigger arms? Hit the little muscle between the biceps and triceps first in your workout. Here’s the best way to do it.



🚨 Tips

📌Pay respect to the brachialis, the forgotten muscle. Train your brachialis first. Make this overlooked muscle found between the biceps and triceps a priority.
Training your brachialis is a great way to help “project” a massive arm because as the brachialis develops, it actually pushes your biceps and triceps further away from one another, making for a wider-appearing arm. There are a number of different exercises you can use to hit your brachialis:

🚨 Exercise 1: Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl

You rated these curls #1! The incline bench position increases the stretch on the long head of the biceps muscle and also locks your body against the bench so you can’t cheat more weight during reps by rocking backward. An added benefit to hammers is that your wrist and elbow are less vulnerable to strain than during reps of other curls.


🚨 EXERCISE 2: Incline Inner-Biceps Curl

This exercise also stretches the long head of the biceps. The more horizontal the bench during your workout, the more the long head of the muscle will be stretched during reps.

These are awesome to add into your isolation workout because they truly isolate the biceps muscle!


🚨 EXERCISE 3: Standing Concentration Dumbbell Curl


Concentration curls place the arm in front of the body with a bent elbow and a rotation in the shoulder. While this decreases recruitment of the long head, it potentially increases biceps thickness and peak by better recruitment of surrounding muscles during your workout.

With your free hand on your off leg to support your body weight, when you hit failure you can switch over to a hammer grip and burn out a few extra reps.

🚨 EXERCISE 4: EZ-Bar Curl

A lot of people think the EZ-bar curl is the best all-around addition to your biceps workout. It engages both the short and long heads of the biceps muscle and for some people it’s a lot more comfortable on the joints and forearms than a straight barbell!


Bicep workout for grow
Bicep workout for grow

🚨 EXERCISE 5: Wide-Grip Standing Barbell Curl

This is definitely one of the more common ways to hit this muscle group. Taking a wider-than-normal grip will cause you to externally rotate at the shoulder, so your upper arm changes its position, prompting more involvement from the short head of the biceps muscle.


You can overload during your workout by using bands, chains, or a partner for forced reps, which you can’t do very well using only a dumbbell.

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