My History of Losing Weight After Giving Birth to 22 Kilograms

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My History of Losing Weight After Giving Birth to 22 Kilograms

Tatyana Kolchienko, Before and After History of Losing Weight

History of Losing Weight
My Best History of Losing Weight


My pregnancy was very welcome and long-awaited. It was during this happy period of my life that I gained 22 kg, which I had to dump with incredible effort afterward. Thanks to the system of fasting days, I did a feminine, refined figure that I could only dream of.

My History of Losing Weight

It cannot be said that by nature I have been given an elegant figure. In my youth, with a short height of 160 cm, I never weighed less than 62 kg. However, at that time it did not cause discontent with himself, and there were quite enough boyfriends.

10 years after the wedding, I finally managed to get pregnant. But here, things did not go as smoothly as most girls did. From the first month, I had a threat of miscarriage. All 9 months I sat on hormonal drugs and did not perform any physical exercises, which was a prerequisite for the successful bearing of the baby.

The appetite grew every day more and more. I especially wanted sweet and starchy foods. As a result, after giving birth, I saw in the mirror a terribly flabby and fat body that I didn’t like, but also disgusted. I decided to significantly reduce my weight.

Unfortunately, breastfeeding did not have any effect on the process of losing weight. It seemed that the extra centimeters tightly stuck to me. In the end, I thoroughly tried to lose weight with a low-calorie diet. However, in the end, I didn’t get what I wanted: a complete breakdown, a progressive state of depression, a constant feeling of hunger, and weight that returned with interest.

After that, I sharply changed tactics and chose the system of fasting days 2 times a week.

Unloading diet was carried out on:

  1. Sour-milk skim products – 1 liter per day.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices – 1.5 liters per day.
  3. Fruits – 1 kg during the day.
  4. Vegetables – 1 kg per day.

Feeling the already forgotten lightness in the body, I added physical activity, namely, body fitness every other day for 25 minutes. Exercises were performed in one breath, and health improved every day.


I liked very much that thanks to the exercises, the figure was noticeably tightened and the sagging of the skin disappeared. As a result, in the first month I lost 12 kg, and in the second – the remaining 10 kg. The result exceeded all my wildest expectations.

My figure has become almost model

If someone wants to lose weight using the system of fasting days, I would like to give effective advice:

  • Start losing weight with 1 Unloading diet per week;
  • Change menu and fasting days;
  • In case of aggravated feelings of hunger, drink a glass of cold water;
  • Include classes with any set of physical exercises.

Try these exercises to start losing weight right now.


Do about 15 minutes workout, such as a plank or push-ups, such that you can do even at home, adhere to a diet, and the results of losing weight will not keep you waiting long!

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