One of the best (if not the best) exercises to target the back muscles.
The Pendlay Row is a barbell row variation which starts from the ground (for each rep) with your torso parallel to the ground.
Just like any barbell exercise, this one is fantastic for building muscles thanks to the fact that you can always add plates to a barbell, although in my opinion (since it’s very easy to cheat here) I’d keep the weight low, whatever allows you to be in a 8-15 rep range, to really focus on form and not use momentum, to get the most out of it.
Anyway, if done right, this exercise is great for overall back development, and we can can use it to target specific muscles depending on two main factors: (1) the angle of our arms, and (2) understanding the articulation of the muscle fibers for the muscles we want to work on:
The lats muscle fibers descend obliquely downwards and outwards from the last thoracic spine to the back of the crest of the ilium. When we’re performing rows by bringing our elbows close to our torso, the lats will do most of the rowing work by adducting and extending the shoulder (which are the main functions of the lats).
On the other hand, Trapezius’ muscles fibers distribute “horizontally” and open up kind of like a folding fan covering our upper back. If we take our elbows up to the sides, the tension on the lats decreases, allowing traps & rhomboids to complete the rowing motion through retraction and adduction of the scapula (which are two of the main functions of the traps).
Should I do a full Pendlay Row tutorial? Let me know in the comment section below with a comment !