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✅ Just as a warning, one rep max can be pretty dangerous, so I highly advise the use a spotter. I would only suggest testing your one rep max if you are more of an advanced lifter.


Deadlift variations
Deadlift variations


Doing a one rep max test is a great way to measure your progress and base your workout program off of. Any good program will include the use of your one rep max to calculate the amount of weight you might be doing and also making sure you are progressing and using appropriate weights.

Typically you would test your 1 rep max for compound exercises, so deadlift, squat, bench press, and row.

✅ How To Do it


1️⃣ Warm up with a light weight that will allow you to do 5 -10 reps easily.
2️⃣ Rest 1 minute
3️⃣ Warm up load: choose a weight that you think you will be able to 3 to 5 reps. Pick a weight that makes the 3rd or 5th rep feel like you can’t do another extra rep. If you don’t know what weight that would be, then add 10 to 20 pounds or 5% to 10% for upper body exercises. If you’re doing lower body exercises add, 30-40 pounds or 10% to 20% for lower body to the weight you already have on.

How to Deadlift
How to Deadlift


4️⃣ Rest 2 minutes
5️⃣ Estimate a weight that will allow you to complete 2 to 3 reps by adding 10 to 20 pounds or 5% to 10% for upper body exercises, and 30 to 40 pounds or 10% to 20% for lower body exercises.
6️⃣ Rest 2-4 minutes
7️⃣ Increase the weight. Add 10 to 20 pounds or 5% to 10% for upper body exercises, and 30 to 40 pounds or 10% to 20% for lower body exercises.
8️⃣ Attempt one rep max

New Article Guide Deadlift
New Article Guide Deadlift

9️⃣ If you are successful at this weight, rest 2-4 minutes and add 2.5 to 10 pounds 5% to 10% for upper body exercises, and 10 to 40 pounds or 10% to 20% for lower body exercises.If you failed at completing the rep, then subtract 2.5 to 10 pounds or 2.5% to 5% for upper body exercises, and 5 to 20 pounds or 5% to 10% for lower body exercises.
🔟 Continu e to increase or decrease weight until you can do one rep with good technique.

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