(Training & Shoulder injuries)
The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body, and Shoulder abduction is an essential component of many upper extremity activities.
Shoulder abduction is one of the few joint motions that has a normal range of at least 180 degrees.
One of the reasons for this extensive range is that it is much more complex than movement at the glenohumeral joint alone: the Abduction requires coordinated movement of the glenohumeral joint and the scapulothoracic articulation. This coordination takes the name of Scapulohumeral (or scapulothoracic) rhythm.
Now, the whole purpose of this “Scapulohumeral Rythm” is to maintain a good position for the various movements of the head of the humerus.
The humerus is kept in place (in the glenoid fossa) by the Rotator Cuff muscles, while other muscles stabilize the scapula: the Trapezius (upper/mid/lower), the Levator Scapulae, the Rhomboids and the Serratus Anterior.
When we move our arm through abduction, the humerus stays within the scapular cavity, as the scapula tilts at the same time (through upward rotation) accomodating the humerus, and allowing it to have the space it needs to move freely.
Due to bad postural habits, injuries, & alot of time spent hunched over with internally rotated shoulders, many of us tend to develop muscles imbalances (especially of the Serratus Anterior & lower trapezius) which alters the normal upward rotation of the Scapula.
Because of this muscle weakness, the humerus can easily compress the underside of the acromion process during the attempted abduction and possibly cause shoulder impingement or rotator cuff disorders as a result.
Working on shoulder mobility and strengthening the muscles that support the whole “system” will be the way to go!