🍑Set of Exercises For the Buttocks & Bands | Video & Guide

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🔥 Exercises For the Buttocks With Band

1️⃣ Wall squats with band openers x 15 openers.

Only sit as low as you wish and ensure you’re never bearing down on your pelvic floor. Draw your belly button in towards your spine and slightly upwards.

Wall squats with band openers x 15 openers
Wall squats with band openers x 15 openers

Be sure you’ve also got my Pelvic Floor & Core Exercise Program ready for Monday’s session. It is also important that you’re doing your foundation exercises daily which take a minute a few times a day. They can be done anywhere as they are simply internal exercises however so important if you are wanting achieve amazing results using my program


🔥 Watch the video to consolidate the material, repeat this exercise at home using only your desire and Bands

3️⃣ Standing fire hydrants x 15 each side.

Yes it is fine to feel it in the glute of the leg which is grounded.


Standing fire hydrants x 15 each side
Standing fire hydrants x 15 each side

🔥 Watch the video to consolidate the material, repeat this exercise at home using only Bands


4️⃣ Standing donkey kicks x 15 each side.

Yes it is fine to feel it in the glute of the leg which is grounded.

Standing donkey kicks x 15 each side
Standing donkey kicks x 15 each side

🔥 Use these videos for your workouts at home.



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