Weight Loss success stories

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Weight Loss success stories!

Weight Loss success stories

I’m about to be really vulnerable and share a picture of myself that’s probably my least favorite of all time.
I was pregnant with Jake, I had gained WAY too much weight in my pregnancy and I felt sluggish and awful.
And yes, I know I was growing a human, but there was no reason for me to not feel beautiful, right?
I remember the days and weeks following his birth, where I felt depressed and unhappy. I didn’t want to leave my baby to head to a gym, but I wanted to feel happy and healthy again. .

Fast forward 12 years, 4 kids and 6 pregnancies, and I finally feel like the person on the outside, that I feel on the inside.

I’ve found a healthy way of eating that doesn’t restrict me, or make me hungry and forced to be regimented. I found a daily workout program, done from MY OWN HOME.
That doesn’t require a gym membership, or any time away from my family. I’ve found a lifestyle that I can share with my husband and kids. I’ve finally found ME again. .

I know how hard it can be to feel unhappy with the way you look, to feel like you have the tools, but don’t have the support, to feel overwhelmed with where to start, and to feel hopeless. I’ve been there. And now that I’ve found something that actually works, I want to share it with everyone I know.

I have a new accountability group starting up the first week of September, and I’d love to have you in there. If you want to just chat with me to get more answers, I’m happy to do that.

Whatever you need. Part of my life mission is to help mommies, women, (heck, anyone!), feel confident and satisfied with their body. No one should have to hide behind clothes, the camera lens, or even closed doors because they don’t like the way they look.
Take the leap of faith and start a new journey with me!
I’m here to help!
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