Weight loss journey

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Weight loss journey!

weight loss journey

I absolutely love the way I am shaping my body. Even on the days that I am feeling a bit down and shitty, there is no denying the work I have put in, and the work I will continue to do.
But I think my favorite thing about my weight loss journey is the way my face looks.

It truly is amazing to me how different your face can look when you lose and gain a significant amount of weight. I am the same person. But I don’t look it.

I love how my eyes look now. Keep in mind this phone takes amazing, flattering selfies, but I did have my makeup done for a change ✌️it affects how I take pictures, ie how comfortable I am in them, how my selfies look, even how bright I want the photos. Keep on trucking. It will all be worth it. Your health, physical and mental.

It’s important.

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