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Machine Hack Squat Instructions
- Load the machine with the desired weight and position your shoulders and back against the pads.
- Position your feet at shoulder width, extend your legs, and release the safety handles.
- Slowly lower the weight by bending your knees until your thighs are approximately at 90 degrees.
- Reverse the movement by driving into the platform and extending the knees and hips.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Machine Hack Squat Tips
- To keep tension on the quads, keep the knees just shy of lockout.
- In order to emphasize the glutes more, push through the heels.
- In order to emphasize the quads more, push through the balls of the feet.
- Don’t allow the hips to posteriorly tilt and roll off the pad.
- Keep your low back flat against the pad throughout the movement.
- Ensure the head does not jut forward excessively.
- Self spotting is possible by simply applying pressure to the knees with the hands. Use only when necessary.
- Toe angle is individual and will depend upon each individual’s hip anatomy and ankle mobility – experiment and adjust based upon feel.
How to Do a Reverse Lunge
A. Stand with feet together and hands clasped in front of chest.
B. Take a big step backward with the right foot, keeping hips square to the front and pelvis neutral. Lower until both legs are bent at 90-degree angles, keeping chest tall and core engaged.
C. Press into the mid-foot and heel of the left foot to stand, stepping right foot up to meet the left.
Do 8 to 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat. Try 3 sets.
Reverse Lunge Form Tips
- Make sure to step straight back and keep knees at 90-degree angles.
- Try not to step too far back.
- Don’t arch lower back; keep core engaged.
- Sit on the padded seat of the machine.
- Hook the feet under the padded bar. Adjust the bar so that it rests comfortably at the lower end of the leg, above the feet.
- Adjust the machine so that your legs can bend at a 90-degree angle. Don’t perform the exercise with less than a 90-degree angle, because this places the knees beyond the toes, which stresses the knee and can result in injury.
Note: If the machine in your gym does not have leg length adjustment, don’t use it; a poorly adjusted position can apply force to improper places in the legs and knees, which can lead to injury.
- Choose a weight that enables you to extend the legs straight with effort but not too much strain. Initially, select a light weight from the stack. Do not use this exercise to test your maximum leg strength, as this stresses the knee and can cause injury.
- Grip the bars firmly at your sides. Hold your head steady. Brace, and breathe out on exertion and in on recovery.
- Extend your legs, engaging your quadriceps to lift the weighted bar. Pause at the top of the extension.
- Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise, doing two to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions each.
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