Yoga For Back Pain Relief : 5 Best Asanas and Postures | Animated
Suffering from back pain? We have a solution for you.
No matter what your age is, you can find yourself suffering from back pain which can leave you feeling slouchy and no less than an 80-year-old. However, you aren’t alone and we have the best yoga tips for back pain.
The terrific news is that you can easily combat it and get immense relief with some awesome yoga poses for lower back pain. Though you must remember to consult your doctor and ensure that these yoga exercises for back pain are safe for you.
Let’s look at few of the best:
Yoga For Back Pain Relief – Postures:
These postures in yoga will help you discover a new dimension of back pain relief treatments.
Fists Forward Bend
Once you are standing on your yoga mat with feet apart at a hip distance, you need to bend your knees. Now bend your torso over your legs to get your belly touch your thigh or get as close as possible. Fold your fingers into fists and position them in the opposite elbow creases below the head. Keep back, neck and head relaxed and squeeze fists actively. This fist and elbow movement gets your back muscles to open. You would feel it within 5-6 breaths, but make it up to about 10-20 breaths slowly. Releasing quite a bit of tension, it is a terrific pose of yoga for lower back pain relief.
Downward Facing Dog
This yoga asana for back pain is terrific as it gives the entire back a good stretch and relieves pain from a number of sore areas. Lie down on the yoga mat on your stomach and place your hands and palms down beside your chest. Lift your chest and hips till you are balancing on your knees and hands. Then lift your knees to balance on your feet and hands. The hips should be lifted as much as possible so that you can feel your back stretch evenly. Take about 5 to 10 breaths in this position before coming to the original position. It is one of the easiest and highly effective yoga poses for lower back pain.
Wall Plank Pose
Once you are standing in front of the wall, reach it with your hands and straighten them with palms facing the wall. Now, keeping your head facing downward and bend forward so that the spine gets lengthened and stretched to your maximum. You would end up forming an L shape. Sometimes you may feel pain in the lower back, in which case, you need to bend your knees a little. Breathing deeply, hold this pose which is considered as one of the best yoga tips for back pain for about two to three minutes.
Child’s Pose
Sitting on your heels, bring your head to the ground in the front and assume the child’s pose. It should be done with the hands behind the back, knees wide and big toes closer. Once you are feeling the stretch, try bringing the knees closer. Keep breathing slowly and feel the back muscles and abdomen stretch. The posture can be maintained for about a couple of minutes. Sometimes, you may find your head, not touching the floor. In that case, you can place a rolled yoga mat or a yoga block under your forehead to keep yourself comfortable. This posture alone is so relaxing that you would adopt this yoga asana even without back pain.
Two Knee Twist
Also known as ‘Supine Twist’, these yoga poses for lower back pain are excellent to give your back muscles a stretch, hydrate the spinal discs and realign and lengthen the spine. To assume this pose, lie down, bring your knees to your chest by bending them. Bring your arms out till your body assumes a T-shape. Now exhaling slowly, lower your knees to the ground on the right as much as possible with the shoulders pressed down firmly. Sometimes, you may find the left shoulder lifting; you need to lower your knees away from the right arm. Hold the pose for about a couple of minutes and repeat with the other side as well.