🔥5 Must Do – Shoulder Exercises | Video & Guide

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🚨 5 Must Do – Shoulder Exercises

✅ Many people will go to the gym but will not work solely on their shoulders. Due to this, these people can have deficiencies within their shoulder muscles. Today you will learn how to target your shoulders throughout a workout to maximize your results.


5 Shoulder exercises
✅ 5 Shoulder exercises

1.) 🔥 Dumbbell Lateral Raises


The first exercise of this workout dumbbell lateral raises, this workout can be done by anyone and can target your shoulder muscles very well. This exercise will be 4 sets of 12 reps. To complete this exercise, you will first need to grab two dumbbells of equal weight and hold them to your side. The next thing that you will need to do is to slowly raise both arms at the same time to form a cross with your body. Once you have formed a cross, you will begin to lower your arms back to the starting position. The diagram for this workout is below.

2.) 🔥 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The Second exercise for this workout will seated dumbbell shoulder press. This exercise will be 4 sets of 15 reps. To complete this exercise, you will need to grab two dumbbells of equal weight once again. Once you have completed the first step, you will then sit down on to a military bench. Then you will hoist both dumbbells up parallel to your ears. Finally, you will slowly extend your arms up until both arms are straight and then slowly lower back down to the starting position. The diagram for seated dumbbell shoulder press is below.


Shoulder workout
Shoulder workout

3.) 🔥 Barbell Upright Row


The third exercise for this workout will be barbell upright rows. For this exercise, you will need to do 4 sets of 10-12 reps depending on the weight you choose. To complete this exercise you will need grab a barbell to the weight of your choice. Once you have done this, you will then place your hands shoulder width apart and slowly raise the barbell to your chin starting from your waist. Then to complete one rep, you will slowly lower the barbell back down to the starting position. The diagram for this exercise is below.

4.) 🔥 Arnold Dumbbell Press

You are now half way through your workout! The fourth exercise that you will complete will be the Arnold dumbbell press. This amazing exercise is named after one of the best body builders in history and will surely maximize your shoulder muscles.  The exercise will be 4 sets of 15 reps. To complete this exercise, you will need to grab two dumbbells of equal length and hoist them up next to your chest. After you have done this, you will slowly raise the dumbbells up while turning them to face outward. Once you have reached full extension, you will then lower them back down and turn the dumbbells back facing you. The diagram for this the Arnold dumbbell press is below.

4 Shoulder Exercises
4 Shoulder Exercises


5.) 🔥 Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise

Dumbbell rear delt raises will be the fifth exercise that you will complete and will consist of 4 sets of 12 reps. To complete this exercise with good form, you will need to first grab two dumbbells of equal weight and then bend your back parallel to the floor. Once you have done this, you will begin to slowly raise the dumbbells up by bringing both arms out. Then, when you get arms back all the way you will squeeze your rear delt for one second. After that you will lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. The diagram for this exercise is below.

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