7 Minute Home Lower Ab Workout, Benefits, Training Guide

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7 Minute Home Lower Ab Workout, Blast Your Abdominal

Let’s take a look at just a 7 minute workout for the lower press, this workout can be done even at home.

7 Minute Home Lower Ab Workout
7 Minute Home Lower Ab Workout


Before starting this 7-minute ab workout, it is very important to stretch and warm-up. Doing ab workout, concentrate more not on the number of repetitions, but on breathing and the correct execution technique.


There are exercises for different levels of fitness – choose yours and start working on your body.

15 second On 20 second On 25-30 second On
5 Seconds Rest 0-5 Seconds Rest No Rest


1. Intense Workout Ab

In a 7 Minute home lower ab workout, you are asked to complete two circles of 4 abdominal exercises. Each exercise is given 20 seconds, there is no rest between them or it is minimal about. Special sound signals that can be installed on the phone will make it clear that it’s time to move on to a new movement.

Suitable for: the workout is quite intense, therefore it is suitable for an advanced level, it will be very difficult for beginners, but you can start with a longer rest.

Inventory: no inventory

What exercises are included in the workout:

  • Bottom up Ab Exercises;
  • Crunch Ab Exercises;
  • Reverse Crunch Ab Exercises;
  • Lying Bent-Knee Oblique Twist

2. Ultimate Fat Burner Workout Ab

This 7 Minute Abs Workout is the ultimate fat burner. Doing it, you really have to spend a lot of energy. Each exercise is suggested to be done for 20 seconds with a rest time of about 5-10 seconds. But forget about the classic rest when you are lying on the fitness mat – you will be actively resting. For rest between exercises, you should jump and run in place with high knees.


Inventory: a Bottle of Water as a Weighting Agent;

What exercises are included in the workout: Various variations of twisting

How to Do Video Guide:


3. 7 Minute Home Lower Ab Workout – Tabata variation

Tabata – is a high-intensity interval training that allows you to squeeze the maximum benefit in a short amount of time. Usually, the exercise is performed for 20 seconds, 10 seconds are allotted to rest. This workout is no exception. These are the time slots we offer. All exercises will take only 4 minutes.

Suitable for: everyone.

Inventory: no inventory.

What exercises are included in the workout:

  • Classic crunch;
  • Russian crunch;
  • Bicycle crunch

Benefits of Training the Ab

For beginners, it will be very difficult to complete the entire 7 minute home lower ab workout the first time. Therefore, if your muscles begin to contract, then rest for 5 seconds and immediately continue.

I am sure that after such a workout, you will immediately feel your abs. In a week, you will achieve such progress that you never dreamed of, and this I am not exaggerating.

In a month, with regular training, you will already see cubes if you not only train, but also follow the diet that I talked about here.


If your muscles are clogged the next day, it is better to recover for a few days.

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