Crossover – an isolated exercise for the muscles of the chest
Cable Chest Pull – an isolated exercise to shape the pectoral muscles. It is well suited for athletes who already have a basic mass of pectoral muscles and must be work out the relief.
Working muscles Cable Pull Crossover
- The target muscles in this exercise are the pectoral muscles. Depending on the variation of the exercise, it is possible to accentuate the load on their lower, upper or inner parts.
- As additional muscles of the shoulders, arms and back are also involved. A number of body muscles perform a stabilizing function. In particular, it is the muscles of the abominal, legs and buttocks.
Cable Crossover Tips
Performing exercises in the block simulator (cable crossover) has its own specifics. As for an exercise such as a crossover, its main advantages are as follows:
- The pectoral muscles are constantly under load. The resistance of the cable blocks does not allow chest to relax for a second. While when doing chest exercises with dumbbells or a barbell, the effort is rather impulsive.
- Change the position of the body and the direction of bring your hands, you can work out various sections of the pectoral muscles. So, for example, if we do a crossover from top to bottom, the lower part of the chest works. If, on the contrary, we pull up the handles of the lower blocks, the emphasis is on the top of the chest. Making the cable crossover in front of us, we are working on the center muscle chest.
- Crossover technique involves stretching the target muscles (Chest) at the top point. This allows you to increase the amplitude of movement and make the muscle contract as much as possible.
- Since cable crossover exercise does not use large weights, it is much safer for the shoulder joints than, say, the bench press.
Execution technique Cable Chest Pull
Often, in isolated exercises, the technique plays a more significant role than the direct load. Crossover is no exception. Our task is not to load the muscle to the maximum (there are basic exercises for this), but to make it work so that it grows in the way we need. Well, or in the case of using exercises for finish exercises, we work with already tired muscles, so large weights are no irrelevant.
Consider the crossover in a classic form:
- Expose the necessary weight on the cable crossover. It should be the same on the right and left. Use such a load weight that allows you to perform movements completely under control, without jerking.
- Stand between the cable crossover struts evenly, lean forward slightly with your straight back. Put your feet shoulder width apart, your knees can be slightly bent. Some athletes push one foot forward for a more stable body position when tilting. Such an approach takes place, however, when using it, it is necessary to alternate the position of the legs from approach to approach. This will avoid the asymmetry of the load chest on the right and left side.
- Raise your hands and hold the handles of the blocks so that you feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles. The elbows should be bent (this rule is maintained throughout the entire movement), the shoulder blades are firmly pressed to the back. Fixing in the starting position.
- Concentrate on maximizing load your pectoral muscles. At the bottom of the exercise, linger for 1-2 seconds. You can even slightly move one hand behind the other (alternately) to increase the amplitude.
- On inspiration, raise your hands again in their original position.
When performing the exercise, do not allow the elbows to straighten. An angle of about 10 degrees is maintained all the time. With the right technique, the brush path resembles a semicircle. At the same time, the back should remain straight. Shoulders should be straightened.
Upper Cable Chest
When our task is to load the upper muscle of the chest, the handles will need to be pulled not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. That is, the exercise is performed on the lower block.
In the initial position, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, lowered down on the sides of the body and slightly laid back (until the chest is stretched). The palms are directed to the body. As you exhalation, your hands need to be raised and crossoving in front of you. On inhalation – return your arms to starting position.
Inner pectoral
To work out the middle of the chest, fasten the blocks in the middle of the supports and follow the information in front of you. With this position, the hands at the end point will not be directed up or down, but forward.
How to build a workout
You can put crossovers in your training program after more difficult basic exercises. They should be performed in 10-15 repetitions of 2-3 approaches with low or medium weight. Of primary importance is precisely the technique of movement.
You can also combine a crossover with push-ups, performing the approach of both exercises without a break. That is, for example, you do 20-30 push-ups, then immediately 10-15 reps cable pull crossover, then rest - and the next approach.