Full Body Weights Workout Routine, Benefits, Tips

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How to Do Full Body Weights Workout Routine

Full body weights workout to burn calories, with exercises for all muscle groups of the body, lasting 40 minutes. 

Full Body Weights Workout
How to Do Full Body Weights Workout Routine


Whole Body Training – a technique for organizing a sports activity aimed at increasing endurance and burning subcutaneous fat. This is an intensive exercise with minimal pauses, in a circle. Cyclical exercises are held in bodybuilding, fitness, martial arts, workout, CrossFit, aerobics.

Article of Content 

Reading time: 4 min.

  1. Principles of Full Body Workout
  2. Exercise Technique in the Picture
  3. Intense Full body Workout
  4. Advantages and Disadvantages
  5. Benefits of the Full-Body Training
  6. Training Programs Workout

Principles of Full Body Weights Workout

It is not enough to choose a set of exercises. To build an effective full body weights workout for the whole body, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before class, a mandatory warm-up is held. For each muscle group, 1-2 training elements are selected.
  2. The approach is carried out on the time or number of repetitions (usually 30 seconds or 15–20 repetitions).
  3. A pause between sets is from 5 to 30 seconds, a break between circles is 3-5 minutes.
  4. The number of elements performed in succession is 6–10, the number of circles is 2–3.
  5. Alternating exercises for the lower body and for the upper. Weight increases gradually with each subsequent cycle.
  6. Exercises are selected so that as much as possible cover large muscle groups.
  7. The number of workouts per week: 3-4 for trained athletes, no more than 2 for beginners.

Exercise Technique in the Picture

Full Body Weights Workout Routine
How to Full Body Weights Workout


1. Shoulder Exercises

  • Arnold press – 3 sets 10-12 reps
  • Reverse cable fly – 4 sets – 12-15 reps

2. Biceps Exercises

  • EZ-Bar Curl – 3 sets 10-12 reps

3. Legs Exercises

  • Squats – 4 sets 12-10-8 reps

4. Back Exercises

  • Pull-ups – 4 sets 15 reps

5. Chest Exercises

  • Chest Dips – 3 sets 12-15 reps

Intensity Full Body Weights Workout

Cyclic training for all muscle groups can be carried out according to three main methods:

  • Low intensity. It is based on simple exercises performed at a pace that is comfortable for the athlete. The pauses between sets are maximum (25-30 seconds). This mode allows you to strengthen physical fitness and maintain the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Medium Intensive. It is characterized by a combination of strength and aerobic exercises. Pace – medium, slightly exceeding comfortable, pauses – 15–20 seconds. Weight gain is allowed with each lap. The technique allows you to develop stamina, train your heart and burn subcutaneous fat.
  • High intensity. It implies an almost complete reduction in pauses between exercises and an increase in the pace of execution to 80–90% of the maximum. Such a training method helps to form a beautiful contoured muscle relief and “dry” the body. Not suitable for untrained athletes due to the serious strain on the heart.

Advantages and Disadvantages

First, we will analyze the positive aspects of full body weights workout training:

  • Fast reduction of body fat. Firstly, circular exercises combine power and aerobic loads, which positively affect weight loss. Secondly, thanks to this combination, metabolic processes are accelerated, which helps the athlete lose weight not only during training but also during recovery periods.
  • The development of the muscle frame. A wide variety of elements allows you to harmoniously strengthen the muscles of the whole body, forming a solid foundation for subsequent strength training.
  • Mobility development. The intense pace of training and a combination of various loads contribute to strengthening the ligaments, tendons, as well as improving the extensibility of the vertebrae and joints. Thanks to this, the athlete can increase speed indicators.
  • Increased Stamina. During low- and medium-intensive cyclic training, the myocardium, the main heart muscle, is strengthened, which helps to develop general endurance.

Benefits of the Full-Body Training:


  • There is no pronounced specialization. Cyclic training develops the body’s resistance to stress and reduces body fat. But such activities will never make a person a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, or an athlete. The maximum you can count on is a tightening of the figure and general strengthening of the muscles.
  • Strong load on the heart. It is observed with a high-intensity method of circular training. Some scientists directly speak out against such disciplines, since extreme loads “acidify” muscle fibers, which can be very dangerous for the heart.

Training Programs Workout

Use the suggested options as a guide of full body weights workout.

  1. Pull-ups: We take the horizontal bar with a direct grip and perform 10 pull-ups, then change the grip to the opposite and pull up another 10 reps.
  2. Pushup from the med ball: We accept an emphasis lying, we put the right palm on a med ball. Lower the case, then raise and change the position of the hands: the right one is on the floor, the left one is on the ball. We pushup out of this position.
  3. Side jumps: We stand sideways to a horizontal bench. We push off with our legs and jump over the bench. Immediately perform a jump back
  4. Bench press: we lay our backs on the bench, place our feet tightly on the floor. We take the bar with a medium grip and perform vigorous bench presses from the chest. Avoid “bouncing” in the lower position. We select a warm-up weight to fully implement the approach.
  5. Lifting kettlebell: we get up evenly, legs spread wide. We take one kettlebell in our hands, hold it at the groin level. Inhale, sit down a little on your feet and swing the kettlebell over your head with a push. Hands do not bend. On inspiration, we straighten our legs and lower the kettlebell.
  6. Squats with a dumbbell press: we get up evenly, take dumbbells in our hands and raise them to shoulder level. We squat deeply get up, and push up the weight over your head.


The duration of the exercises (except the first) is 20 seconds each. Pause between the elements is 5-10 seconds, repeat the circle at least three times. The respite between the circles is 4–5 minutes.

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