ARM pyramid workout !
ARM pyramid workout !
Exercises for weght loss!
Triceps Dips 10 concentration curls
Scull crushers 15 dumbbell curls
Triceps kickbacks 20 incline curls
Overhead extensions 25...
Tight Arm workout!
Tight Arm workout!
This workout consists of 3 small circuit workouts. Complite 12 reps of each exercise in the circuit!
ARMs exercises
ARMs exercises!
100 Front punches
50 Bicep Curls
Front Raises
Tricep Kickback
50 Hammer Curls
ARM Slimming workout
ARM Slimming workout!
Repeat exercises for every day for home or gym and weight loss !
Arms on Fire workouts
Arms on Fire workouts!
Repeat the exercises every day with above pics for effect!
Fire workout for gym or home!
Fire workout for gym or home!
Repeat these simple exercises from the picture to lose weight!
Indoor cardio crusher the workout!
Indoor cardio crusher the workout!
go throuht 1, 2 or 3 times
or repeat each selection 2x before moving onto the next interval grouping
Muscle groups & Legs & Cardio
Muscle groups & Legs & Cardio!
Rest 30-60 Seconds and then repeat !