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🔥Chest & Back Exercises


Back Exercises
Back Exercises

The lat pull down is one of the main exercises for back width. Also it is a great exercise for beginners that can’t do pull ups, because the possibility to adjust the weight you lift. If executed correctly, the main muscles it targets are Lattisimus dorsi (or short – lats) and rhomboids. Secondary muscles involved in this movement are the shoulders, biceps and forearms.

The equipment needed for executing the lat pull-down is usually a weighted cable pulley station with adjustable weights and seat.

Back Exercises To Build Your V-Taper


Execution of lat pulldowns:

1. Grab the bar with a grip that is wider than shoulder width and palms facing forward. Note that there is also a close grip lat pull down where you grab the bar at shoulders width.

2. Sit on the seat and make sure your legs are sitting comfortably under the support rollers and place feet firmly on the ground. At this point the weight in the stack goes up.

3. Straighten your back and without leaning back pull the bar until it touches your chest. Concentrate on squeezing the back muscles once you are in this position. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds for a maximum contraction. You should exhale during this part of the movement.

4. After a couple of seconds of contracting your shoulder blades together, slowly raise the bar back to the starting position until your arms are fully extended and the back muscles are fully stretched. Inhale during this part of the movement.

5. Repeat the movement for X number of repetitions.

A couple of tips you should know about the execution of the lat pull-down

– Don’t lean back while you pull the weight. This way you will activate your lower back and won’t get maximum results from this exercise. If you can’t pull back the weight without leaning back then you should decrease the weight.

– Try to concentrate on pulling the weight with your back and not the arms. You can accomplish this by grabbing the bar with a “hook” grip (without placing your thumb around the bar) and concentrating on squeezing the back muscles instead of squeezing the arms.

Back Exercises To Build Your V-Taper
Back Exercises To Build Your V-Taper


🔥 Build Huge Chest Exercises

Almost all people who’ve ever exercised in a gym tried their hand at bench, which is only normal, because bench is the perfect exercise for big and developed chest. Yet, very often we find people who would tell you that they decided to stay clear of the bench press, fearing an injury or a torn muscle.

Build Huge Chest Exercises
Build Huge Chest Exercises

This is a great mistake, because no exercise can truly substitute the bench press when it comes to building up your upper body. However, if you want to squeeze out the maximum potential and avoid being injured, you should learn to do it the right way. Luckily for you, we can help you with that. Here you’ll find an elaborate guide how to perform this exercise correctly, with explanations about each step. So, next time you hit the gym, don’t shy away from the bench. Just have in mind our instructions and start flexing those chest muscles.

1. Lie down on a bench. Put your feet on the ground opened wider then shoulder wide. Bend your legs at knees so that they make a 90-degree angle.

2. Remember to slightly arch your lower back so that your spine preserves its natural curve.


3. Your glutes should be firmly contracted all the while, and pressed into the bench just as your shoulders.

4. Put your hands on the bar opened beyond shoulder width and grip the bar firmly.

5. Take a deep breath, which helps you increase the pressure in your chest and abdominal cavity. Hold the breath while lowering the weight.



✅MONDAY: Heavy chest, plus shoulders and abs

✅TUESDAY: Back and traps

✅WEDNESDAY: Legs and calves

✅THURSDAY: Light/explosive chest, plus abs

✅FRIDAY: Triceps, biceps and forearms




6. Lower the bar to the level of your nipples in slow and controlled motion. Two seconds for lowering down and two seconds for pushing up should be enough.

7. When lowering the bar star squeeze your scapulas together. In this way you add stability to your your shoulder girdle and your lats will be ready to push up the weight.

8. When the bar is in the bottom position at your chest, your arms should form a letter L.

9. Concentrate on your shoulders and feet before starting to push the weight up. Push your shoulders into the bench and your heels into the floor as if you are trying to push the floor away. Stabilize your legs while pushing the bar up so that more force is transferred into your upper body, and remember not to lift your buttocks off the bench.


10. Avoid flexing your wrists, because this can reduce the force of your arms, and the overall strength. So hold the bar firmly with your thumbs wrapped around it.

11. Transfer the force from your chest, shoulders and triceps to the bar squeezing it as firmly as you can.

12. Pull your arms outward energetically without releasing the grip, and press the bar upward as straight as it can.

13. Exhale after reaching the top position.

14. Squeeze your pecs with force after you’ve ended your movement, in order to be sure that you are focusing on this muscle group and promoting further muscle growth.

15. In order to be sure that you haven’t released the tension from the muscles do not rest the bar on the rig when you’re at the top of the movement.


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