A reason why your lower back hurts during squats
A lot of coaches/ trainers harp on not rounding your back during during, which is very important.
However, not enough watch for (or even know) that lifting with excessive APT (and hyper-extended back) can be detrimental.
The moment your pelvis tilts too far forward, you’re essentially taking your glutes and abs out of the equation and placing sheer force on your lumbar spine (you’re now hyper-extending at the low back).
You’re breaking at the spine instead of hinging at your hips. There is a very big difference.
Some of us have developed an obsession of “reaching back” for squatting. Making many people mistake breaking at the lumbar and APT for hip hinge.
Whether you’re squatting or deadlifting, a cue I personally prefer thinking off that has also helped a lot of my client is the cue “keep your ribs down”. This is done by firing the glutes and anterior core muscles.
On the correct video above you see that my spine is in a neutral position and everything is locked in place. My rib cage is down, my hips are loaded and ready to extend.
This is how your spine should look during a deadlift and a squat (the back angle will vary based on the lift and squat variation -that’s a whole other post).
But In both the squat and deadlift, the low back should be as neutral as possible. Some people will have a slight APT and that’s OK.
But if you have a large curve in your back ( LADIES ) while lifting, it must be corrected. Get with me if you need help with lifting technique.