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How to V BAR PULL DOWN What & Why ?
Muscular atlas V BAR PULL DOWN
Exercise refers to the class of basic (conditionally-basic) and has as its goal the development of the back.
The muscular atlas includes the following units:
- Targeting – the widest / wings;
- Synergists – brachialis, brachioradialis, large round, posterior delta, rhomboid, shoulders blade, trapezium (middle / bottom), large pectoral (sternal head), small pectoral;
- Dynamic stabilizers – biceps, triceps (long head).

Carrying out the exercise of the upper block with a narrow grip, you have the right to expect the following advantages:
- development of “small” back muscles;
- improving the detail of the back;
- increase in muscle volume;
- development of power indicators in third-party exercises on the back (for example, deadlift);
- formation of the V-shaped form of the torso.
Technique of execution BAR PULL DOWN
The thrust of the upper block by a narrow grip refers to exercises of an average level of complexity. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:
Step # 1.
- Approach the upper unit, put out the correct weight, adjust the knee pads (chair seat height) and occupy the central position sitting in the simulator. Attach the V-shaped handle to the top block and grasp it with a neutral grip (palms look at each other). Tilt the body slightly (30 degrees) back, and look upwards. This is your starting position.

Step # 2.
- Inhale and on exhalation at the expense of widest back muscle pull the handle to itself (up to the level of the top of the chest). At the end point of the trajectory, hold on 1-2 sec, squeeze the “wings” and return to the start position, straightening the hands. Repeat the specified number of times.

Do 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions, rest for about 90 seconds.
Variations of back exercises
In addition to the standard version of traction of the upper block by a narrow grip, there are several variations of the exercise:
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